Chapter Eleven

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"No, you're not," I tell him.

          I can't fucking believe him. He had asked me to keep our little fling a secret. He had! And like, yeah, I don't want anyone to know — scratch that, I don't want Sadie to know — he can't do this!

"Yes," he says, still making his way to the door, "I am."

I hate that we have an audience. Ben and Alexis are watching us like we're some sitcom, their heads whipping back and forth each time we open our mouths. Sadie is silently fuming, her fingers rapidly clicking on her phone. Poor Jess just looks confused, Raya looks bored, she's picking at her nails. And Drew is sitting quietly, watching Kolby with an intent gaze, a smirk on his delicate features.

"If you murder someone you'll need a defense attorney," I reason, "You won't be able to be one."

His hand is on the door knob. "I've watched enough Criminal Minds to know how to get away with murder, Indigo."

I flinch. He never says my name. It's always Blue or Babe. "Are you seriously considering killing someone right now?" I ask. Before, he never would have done this. He may have agreed with Sadie and I that Greer Evans is a waste of space on this earth, but he would have never threatened to actually kill him.

"Yes, I am."

I shake my head, "He's not worth twenty five years in prison."

"I already told you I won't get caught," but he lets go of the door handle and stalks back to couch, sitting down angrily, hugging a pillow to his chest with a scowl marring his handsome face.

                It's tense and completely silent for one minute as I, too, sink back into the couch, squished between my hero in jeans and a hoodie, and Sadie, who's eyes are narrowed in our direction. I can practically see the gears in her head turning as her blue eyes flick from Kolby, to me, and then back to Kolby.

          "Can we watch Cars?"

            My saving grace, in the form of Drew Bradford.

         "Why Cars?" Jess demands, "That's for like eight year olds."

         "We have a eight in our age," Drew retorts, already grabbing the remote and searching up the movie, a smirk on his face.

"You're fucking impossible," Jess grumbles.

"Jess!" Alexis crows, grabbing the throw pillow from beside her and lobbing it at her son, "We have guests!"

"Mom," Jess says, his eyes flicking toward me, "Indigo doesn't count as a guest, she's seen me buck ass naked, and Raya is my girlfriend."

"Really? I didn't know."

My phone buzzes in my lap again. I don't have to look at it to know it's a text from Greer. I think he's drunk -- no, he has to be. It's been over a month, I know he's over me, and I'm over him. It makes no sense for him to text me like this, right out of the blue.

Drew wins the fight with Jess, and the opening credits of Cars comes on. We all sit in silence as we watch the movie.

By the time it's over it's nine o'clock. Ben and Alexis rise and bid their goodnights, warning us to not stay up too late as they make their way up the two flights of stairs to their bedroom. The second their gone, Jess pops up, grinning widely.

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