Chapter Seventeen

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This has been the single most longest weekend of my entire existence. It's like everyone decided on Friday that I was apparently too boring for them, and went out and left. Okay, maybe I'm being a tad bit dramatic here, but; Sadie had a date, Braden went MIA, Colton and Reid were too drunk or hungover one to function, and Indigo just up and left.

It's Monday now, though, and everyone is back. Braden's in a mood, of all moods, Colton and Reid can finally say a full sentence without slurring every other word, and I've yet to see either of the girls, considering they don't live here, but according to the SnapChats I've received from Sadie this morning, Indigo and her are at Triple Threat, their favorite restaurant.

Unfortunately, us guys have a training session at nine.

I'm tying up my tennis shoes when someone bangs on my door. "Kolby come on! We're gonna be late again!"

"I'm fucking getting ready," I yell out to Braden. Don't get me wrong, I'd kill for the guy, but also, I'd kill the guy.

        "Get ready faster," he argued back.

          I roll my eyes and huff. I finish tying my shoes, and then throw a hoodie on over my tee shirt. God, I fucking hate training. I hate running, I hate lifting, hate it all.

I open up my door, just as Braden lifts his fist to pound on my door again. But he pauses in time before it collided with my nose. He doesn't smile or anything, just grunts.

I, personally, crack a grin at his appearance. He's in a wife beater and black sweats, and looks like the definition of death. Black circles haunt his under eyes, his black hair is a mess, and, though I'm sure it's not possible, it's like even his tattoos have taken on a saddened persona, blurry black smudges instead of sharp, crisp lines. Or maybe I'm just fucking exhausted, too.

He shoves my keys at my chest, and I'm able to grip them just before they fall. "You drive."

I scoff, but walk towards the door. But Braden grabs me by the back of my head, and directs me into the kitchen first. "Breakfast," he grunts.

I quickly grab a granola bar, and then we're off to the gym.

        I cringe as I open the front door. It's so cold, and I want nothing more than to climb back into my bed and wallow in self pity. Or maybe self hatred would be better, isnt that always what gives those other guys top tier character development?

        I climb into the driver side of my truck, and Braden sits beside me.

          I put the key in the ignition and wait for the glow plugs to warm up, before letting the engine roar to life. And then I lean back, giving her a few minutes to warm up.

         I heave a sigh and glance over at Braden. For once, he's not staring at his phone, but rather, at me, with furrowed brows.

        "What?" I grumble, running a hand through my hair.

          "So are you and Indigo together yet? I'm getting impatient over here." He crosses his tattooed arms over one another.

Me and you both, I almost say. Instead, I just shake my head, looking out the windshield at the cold world. "She says I'm not boyfriend material."

He huffs out a laugh, "Harsh.Sounds like you just need to prove to her that you are."

"That's what she said, too," I pause, kicking the truck into drive. If we don't leave now, we'll be late, "But I don't even know where to start — maybe she's right, maybe I jsit need to stick to fucking random girls in little skirts, yeah?"

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