Chapter Fourteen

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America's Funniest Home Videos was a Bradford family staple growing up. It was one of Dad's favorite shows to watch. He would normally end up picking me and Sadie up from our respective practices, when would get home, mom would be so busy with the twins, she never noticed the three of us laughing out asses off at the stupidity happening on our TV screen. Normally, I would be reconnecting with ten year old me, shoulders shaking with laughter as the overweight man breaks his daughters trampoline, but instead, my shoulders are tense, and the left side of face feels like it's going to catch on fire from Indigo's burning glare.

I've gone over the past few weeks at least two dozen times while sitting on the couch, and I can't pinpoint any one thing I've done to piss her off to such an astronomical level. The only real fuck up I've had in relation to her was completely forgetting that Monday was the first day of internship, but I had even sent her quick text apologizing. As much as it kills me to say, even if we don't continue our little romance, I still want her to talk to me. At least, I would appreciate a little explanation as to why I've become public enemy number one seemingly over night.

             Indigo's sitting on the big loveseat, a blanket covering nearly her entire body, as she munches on the homemade pizza Sadie made. The pizza's absolutely delicious — Sadie definitely got Mom's awesome cooking gene. But that's beside the point. Indigo has barely even looked my way all night, other than to stare absolute fucking daggers at me.

Sadie and I are both on the couch. I'm slouched the closet to the door, my arm resting on her arm rest, with a plate full of pizza on my lap. Sadie's completely laid out, her feet dangling off the back of the couch behind my head, but yet her head is facing toward the TV. I don't know how she does that. If I did that, I would probably slip a disc in my back.

"Oh my God," Sadie practically cackles as a kid gets smacked in the face with a frisbee.

I myself snort, and pick up another piece of the best pizza in the world. Indigo doesn't make a sound. She's just staring blankly at the screen, literally no expression whatsoever on her gorgeous face. Though, her pretty brown eyes are highlighted by the TV light, which adds a luminous glow to them, making them look almost golden, or like the color of thick, oozing honey.

I sigh loudly. Even to my own ears, I sound like a sad puppy dog, deprived of loving pets for much too long.

Sadie, ever the observant sibling, nudges me with her sock-clad foot, "What's the matter with you?"

I bite my lip. Indigo's head whips to stare at me, as if daring me to confess to Sadie what's actually wrong with me. I won't. I know how desperate Indigo is to keep over latest interactions a secret from Sadie.

"Just tired," I fib. Luckily, the lights are off, so Sadie can't fully see my face. She's been my sister now for nineteen years, she one hundred percent knows my lying face by now, and if she could see me right now, she would call bullshit in half a second.

Instead, she annoyingly pokes my face with stinky ass foot, "Then go home dumb ass."

I bite another hunk off of my pizza, and talk with my mouth full, "There's no one there."

"Sounds the perfect conditions to have a peaceful sleep."

I shrug. I don't wanna go home. At all. In fact, that's last on my agenda for the night. The first is practically screaming at me: Get Indigo to tell me what I did to fuck this up, and what I can do to fix it. I dont think she understands that I am completely and entirely at her mercy. If she told me to lasso the moon and gift it to her, I would find a way to do it. I would move mountains and drink all of the rivers up of that is what she requires, in order for her to talk to me.

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