Chapter Twenty-One

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"What the hell are they doing?" Jess shoots up onto his feet from the couch, arms outstretched in the air, anger twisted in his expression. "Do you want to fuck— freaking loose?"


"I'm sorry, Mom."

I snort, but when mom shoots me a look, I cover my mouth, since it's involuntarily morphing into a smile. The Super Bowl has just begun, literally we just watched the first play, and Jess is already in trouble. Mom's decided to let us drink tonight, with her supervision, of course , so I'm currently nursing a Coors, my foot anxiously tapping against the hard wood floors.

I'm waiting for two things, both of which I'm not one hundred percent sure will happen:

A) I'm waiting for my team to win, but still have a long while before I know if that happens, and

B) For Blue Brown to walk through the front door.

Sadie had said she would swing by. But had never said anything about Indigo. Though, considering the two of them are pretty much attached at the hip, I can't imagine she wouldn't. Right? And, Indigo's never missed a Bradford Super Bowl party. I can't imagine she would start now. I'm really hoping she isn't going to start now. And I'm really hoping I've proven myself, to some extent, that I could be Indigo Brown's always and forever, because she's mine. She fucking has to be.

I take another generous sip of my beer, looking at the clock. I follow the clock's black hands. The game started at six, it's now six twelve. It's unlike Indigo to be late, though, it's very much like Sadie to be late, especially when in charge of herself. It's wonder she makes it to her meets on time, with mom no longer living under the same roof with her.

"And there's a flag!" I overhear the commenters below. The rest of whatever he's saying is drowned out by the front door creaking open.

I whip my head towards the entry way so fast I nearly get whiplash. Sadie stands in the doorway. I have to blink a few times to realize it's her, actually. Instead of her typical attire of a hoodie that's not hers and sweat pants two sizes too big, she's in actual clothes. Like, jeans. With buttons. And a zipper. And pockets that aren't fleece-lined. It's weird.

The jeans are kind of tight, with holes in them. As her older brother, I can't help the frown that settles onto my face. She's wearing a white button-up shirt, like one with a collar, and then she has a black and pink striped sweater vest over them. At least, I think that's what it's called. And get this, her hair is actually down for one, hanging far down her back.

"Are you wearing makeup?" Drew balks. It seems I'm not the only one surprised to see Sadie looking like an actual girl and not a gym rat.

"Yes?" She asks, frowning as she hangs up her leather coat and kicks off her black heels.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jess asks, leaning over the back of the couch with his hand outstretched, as if trying to feel her forehead.

"Boys!" Mom says, and then smacks Jess on the shoulder. He yelps in response. "How about you trying telling her she looks pretty?" She grabs Sadie's face and kisses both of her cheeks, "You look gorgeous, baby. Where's your date?"

All of us, including Dad, look quickly over to them. Jess even mutes the TV.

"I don't have one," Sadie says, rather loudly. "Indigo and I are going to party later."

Jess sighs and unmutes the TV, clearly disappointed in our sisters lackluster dating life. Though, his has enough drama for everyone in this house combined. Raya and him are spiltsville, for the fourth time.

"Is she coming tonight?" I hear my voice ask, even though my brain definitely didn't give it permission to say that. I hear Drew smother a laugh, and watch as a smile blooms on my mom's face.

Sadie nods, "Yeah, she was right behind me in our car, I figured Mom may want hers back."

Mom nods eagerly, "Yes, thank you."

It's like I summoned her, by asking, as Indigo Brown walks through the doorway.

My breath gets caught in my throat as she's bathed in a flickering light, coming from the TV that feels a million miles away. Her chocolate skin looks soft and buttery, and my mouth waters as I see just how much of it is on display. She's in a pair of black wide leg jeans, with rips scattered over her thighs. She, too, wears a pair of black heels, though hers are of the boot variety. On top, it's enough to make blood rush in excitement to my cock. I've seen that black lace. I fucking bought it. And boy oh boy, did I do a damn good job. The lace covers her stomach, disappearing into the high waist of her jeans, and then it goes up, encircling her tits perfectly, leaving a thick black piece of silky fabric covering them. A black blazer covers her arms that I know are bare.

A slew of naughty thoughts sends my mind scrambling for sense.

"Indigo!" Mom crows, "You look amazing, sweety."

I watch with a sense of pride and haughtiness as a blush rises to Indigo's face, and she quickly looks down as she takes off her shoes.

"Thank you."

"Of course." Then she gestures to the kitchen, "Go grab yourself a drink. I'm sure you need it."

Indigo doesn't look at me as she passes me, even though I'm finding it impossible to tear my gaze away from her. She looks absolutely enchanting, like someone straight out of a fairytale. But I'm finding it hard to decide if she looks like the princess, or the villain.

• • •

It's halftime before Indigo says something unrelated to the football game. Infuriatingly enough, she made Sadie sit next to me, using her as a buffer between us. To ad bruise to injury, my team is loosing by three, which has made me grouchy and irritable. And, well, fuck me sideways if I just want to sit by the girl I can't stop thinking about and stare down her top.

It's Sadie who talks first.

"You never told me how it went the other night," she says as she stretches out, her head in my lap and her feet in Indigo's.

Indigo shrugs, "Not much to tell really." She glances at me with flicking eyes, and begins to fidget with a fraying piece of her jeans.

"What happened?" Mom asks, leaning forward. Mom loves girl talk, gossiping, drama. She's kind of like the mom from Mean Girls, only, well, less mean.

"Indigo went on a date," Sadie says proudly.

At first it doesn't register with me what exactly Sadie has said. At first, I'm just as happy for Indigo as everyone else in the room. Mom squeals, and begins het game of twenty questions, but everything sounds muddled. It's like static has filled the room, and my head starts pounding. I even think the room is tinged in red. I tip my head, so slowly, towards Indigo, who patiently answers my Mom's questions between glancing at me with wide brown eyes I had come to love. Now my heart just feels like broken glass shards protruding through my chest, bleeding me dry.

"How was the kiss?" Mom asks, which is what brings me back from the land of the angry.

I can't even begin to control myself, "Ya, Blue, how was the kiss?"

She swallows, so hard, so hard I can pretty well see her throat constrict. Then she looks straight at me, like I'm the only person in the room, "The worst kiss ever."

"Hmm," is all I can manage to respond.

a/n: getting close to the Big scene. I think there's maybe five chapters left in this badboY

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