Chapter Twenty-Four

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I wake up the next morning with a plan.

It's been a long time coming, I think. I know exactly what I need to do. Exactly who I need to find. And exactly where she is. And exactly how to bribe her.

Sadie's hungover, sprawled out on the couch with a - thankfully empty - puke bowl by her side. She's out cold, drool dribbling down her chin, and her hair a wild mane of rose, blonde, red, auburn, and hues of brown. If she didn't look like a five year old with a severe head cold, she would look like an old oil painting.

I walk as quietly to the kitchen as I can, and grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the bar. And as the mature, responsible adult that I am, I lob it at her head.

She jolts upright, and I duck behind the counter, using the cupboard doors as a shield between me and her.

"What in the fat flying fuck," she screeches. I hear her feet hit the floor, in strong, angry thuds, echoing in my direction.

She appears over the counter top, looking down at me, the apple I had chuckedf at her in her hand. She has a smile on her face, the evil one.

"Indigo. Marie. Brown," she says my name slowly, sounding out each sylable, as if tasting them each. I don't think she likes the flavors much, seeing as she throws the apple down onto the crown of my head.

"Ow," I say jutting out my bottom lip.

"Ya, fucker," she retorts, opening up the fridge,

I climb u and stare into the empty frdige with her. There's an expired carton of milk, two eggs, and a few tuberware containers containing leftovers.

"Triple Threat?" I ask, turning to look at her with a shrug.

She nods eagerly, but then touches the bump on her forhead with a frown.

I snort, and grab my purse off the counter top, "I'll buy."

• • •

Triple Threat is a bustle of after church brunch-eaters. People all around us are dressed in their Sunday best, eating French toast and fruit parfaits with their coffee and orange juice, Sadie and I have burgers in front of us, with the largest side of fries on the menu, and a coke each. Sadie wears a pair of sweat pants, and her hoodie (which, for once, is actually hers) is scrunched up at the sleeves as she goes absolutely feral over the meal before her. I'm not in any better shape, with leggings, and a crewneck that reads Calum University in big white letters. My hair is pigtail braids, and with the burger grese smeared on my chin adn lips, I'm sure I look no older than twelve.

"God," Sadie moans out as she takes another bite from her burger. "Do they put crack in these things? They're literally fucking addicting."

An elderly woman sends a vile look towards Sadie.

The waitress comes to our table, holding chocolate croissants in her hands. "Here you go," she says, laying them in front of us, "Can I get you guys anything else?"

Sadie's eyes brighten as she stares at the croissant, like a young child on Christmas morning, staring at all the presents left under the tree. She doesn't even both erto thank the waitress before pushing her half-eaten burger away and scarfing down the croissant.

I stifle a laugh and quickly utter a thank you to the waitress.

I finish my burger before moving onto the buttery, fluffy, chocolate-filled desert. After we've finished, we stare into the abyss, fueled by the food coma settling into our bones.

She's right where I wanted her, as I lean forward, my heart hammering like a horses' foot pounding onto the hard ground.

"I have something I want to tell you," I say slowly. I feel bile rising up my throat. but this has to be done, has to be said. I'm tired of seeing Kolby's face fall when I act like he's nothing to me. When in reality? In reality, that stupid boy is everything to me.

"Are you pregnant?" She asks, leaning forward, excitedly, her mouth hanging open, "Oh my god, I always knew i was bound to be a young aunt. Who's the dad?"

I take a deep breath, "I'm not pregnant."

SHe frowns, "Are you sure?"


"Damn," she sighs, shoulders drooping, "Are you being forced to marry you're arch nemesis from a rival country?"

"No, Sadie, what-?" I sigh again, running a hand over my face, "Would you just be quiet and listen?"

She makes a motion of zipping her lips, and throwing the key behind her.

"Thank you," I say. I close my eyes, swallowing the lump that's formed in my throat. I open them back up to see Sadie sitting in her booth, her feet tapping quickly and loudly agasint the tile floor beneath us. I think she might explode.

The next things I say come out in an insanely fast rush, "Kolby and I hooked up after the showcase, and then at that football thing he made me go to, and then at your house after the twins birthday, and then i got it into my head that you would kill me if you found out, so I went on a date with Henry and now think Kolby hates me, so I'm telling you because I've gotta fix it. And I've gotta fix it because I think might be, a little bit, like a pinch, no actually I'm lying, I am so in love with him it hurts -- please don't kill me."

She doesn't kill me.

I watch as a smile breaks out on her face.

"Yes!" She yells out, holding her arms up in victory.

"What?" I breathe out.

"Fucking finally," she shakes a finger at me, "You almost coast me a hundred bucks, you know. Drew was certain it would be March before you two came clean."

I blink slowly, taking a moment to let ewhat Sadie just said sink in.

"You knew?"

She shurgs, taking a sip of her coke. "I'm you're best friend. I live with you. I know everything." At my skeptical look, she adds, "I heard you guys the night at the house. I think everyone did."

I'm sure my face is an unattractive shade of red.

She smirks at me, and then lay down a twenty, covering the bill.

"I said I'll pay," I remind her, digging in my own purse for my wallet.

She waves me away, "Because of you, I am now one hundred dollars richer." She pushes uip out of her seat, so I follow suit. She digs in her sweats and hands me the car keys, "Go get you're mans, girl."

"How will you get back?" I ask, quickly grabbing the keys. I'm so far over the moon right now, it looks like a little pinprick in the distance. I kind of want to slap myself though, for thinking that Sadie would've killed me.

She waves me off again, "Go. I'll have Drew come grab me , or something."

She doesn't have to tell me twice.

a/n: i cried writing this chapter. there's like only barely a few chapters left, and this will be the first book i've ever written completely. i know there's some plot holes, but i can't help but be produ of myself.

i hope you guys loved this as much as I did!

expect no update scheldule from me, cuz i'm so excited about finishing this book, i wouldn't doubt it if i finished it today.

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