Chapter Five

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My mouth is dry. My eyes are watery. My hands are shaky. My heart is beating too fast.

What we did was a mistake. I know that, and I thought Kolby knew that too. He had texted me on Saturday to ask that I didn't mention our like scene to anyone, so I had assumed we were going to move and forget about it and never speak or look at each other ever again. End of story.

Clearly, I assume wrong, as a second test lights up my phone screen.


           It's Tuesday night, and I'm at the apartment all alone. Sadie's gone to Alabama for a gym meet, and won't be back until Friday. I don't know why it even matters, it's not like I can mull over the subject with her anyway. I could try, lie and say it was somebody else, but if it was somebody else it wouldn't be a problem. Kolby and I have too much history, and though we were both drunk and only acted because of our inebriation, we still had sex. In his truck.

         My phone lights up again, and I'm about to just make fun of Kolby for being so desperate, but the text isn't from Kolby. Greer's name is above the smaller black print, and it looks so odd, now, without the hearts and kissy emoji's next to it. Hell, my entire phone is like some black abyss I don't recognize anymore. There's only half the photos there had been before, and instead of the pictures of me and Greer on my lock and Home Screen, one is of Sadie and I, the day we moved into the apartment, and one is of mom, dad, and me in Panama.


Greer's moving out his and his brothers place into his own. The original plan was that I would move in with him, I remind myself somewhat bitterly. Besides, I haven't noticed anything missing. I almost text him to just pitch whatever the things are, but maybe seeing Greer once again will put some things into perspective for me. Remind me why Kolby and I shouldn't have done what we did, make since of our relationship now.


          Greer and Lionel's place is similar to mine and Sadie's, with a kitchenette, open concept, one bathroom, and two bedrooms, directly across the hall from one another. The walls are bare, not a single photo or mirror or anything decorating them. The couch and the love seat don't match, and they only have three chairs around their dinning room table because Lionel broke the fourth. I don't know how.

          Greer's sprawled out on the couch watching some stupid action movie when Lionel let's me in, openly checking me out with a flick of his brown eyes. The two of them could be twins, with olive skin, almond eyes, and cropped black hair.

            "G," Lionel calls out, closing the door behind me. I stand awkwardly at the door. Why did I agree to come here again? The last time I had been here had ended with me bolting out of this very door, tears streaming down my face, my heart shattering in my chest. But now? Now I feel nothing but the want to get the hell out of dodge and go home.

           Greer stumbles towards us. He's not the most athletically inclined, though I don't believe most guys majoring in art history are, anyway. But his lack of balance isn't just entirely his misfortune, considering the Natty Light can he holds in his hand.

          I arch a brow. Greer's never been much of a drinker, and even less a consumer of beer. He was always way too refined and cultured, the stench of old money practically oozing from him as he drank his Jack and Coke's.

         "Indigo," he drawls, giving me the same amount of appreciation as his brother just had, licking his lips as he takes in my appearance.

        I'm not one to stuff it in a guys face, ya know, the whole look what you don't have anymore thing? But I'd be lying if I said I hadn't dressed myself up a tad bit, just to come here. I'm in a pair of jeans that hug my curves until my knees, and then flare out, and a small shirt that cinches under my boobs, leaving about and inch or so of exposed midriff.

              "Greer," I say back, crossing my arms. He's no longer just checking me out, but instead openly leering at my chest, eyes clouding over. I shift uncomfortably, frowning, "Where's my stuff? I have somewhere to be."

            God, why'd I even agree to come here in the first place? I think hooking up with Kolby might have actually been a better idea than this. At least with him I didn't feel slimy and grossed out.

          Greer mumbles something I can't quite make out, and then points to the dinning room table, still boasting only three chairs. "It's two shirts and a hoodie."

           Again, I frown. I had been notorious about never leaving my things here, to avoid this very situation, actually. I highly doubt I ever left without a shirt on. However, I humor him, and bite the bullet, stepping towards the wadded up articles of clothing.

          I grab the hoodie first, and breath a small sigh of relief. The hoodie's mine — well, actually I borrowed it from Sadie, who I think stole it from either Jess or Drew, considering that it boasts their prep school logo and name in bold green print. Next, the shirts. The first one is mine, too, the tell take paint splotches giving it away. But the second one I don't recognize. It's purple, with a big black paw and school name scribbled through it in white. Toppy Oak High School: Home of the Bears.

          I bite my lip and force myself to keep it cool. We aren't together anymore, I slept with someone else, who's to say he hasn't, too? I hastily grab what's mine and then turn around, ready to just walk out, but Greer's there, frowning at me.

          "What, you only what the two things?" He laughs a bit, and I feel nauseous.

            "That's not mine," I mutter, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

           Lionel barks out a laugh from the kitchen, "It has to be yours, G hasn't hit any action since he dumped you."

            My heart springs into my throat. Seriously? Has Greer really cheated on me, or is Lionel doing what Lionel does best — starting unnecessary drama for his own entertainment?

           But Greer only shrugs, "Sorry, Indy, guess it's the neighbor girls."

           "You cheated on me with Beth-Ann?" I all but shriek. But tests are forming in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. Greer Evans is not worthy of my tears.

            He shrugs again, "It was only once."

I shake my head. I will not cry in front of him. He was my everything. He was my person. For two years, we shared everything we each other, we comforted each other, we loved each other. At least, I had done all of this for him. Turns out he's just some stuck up rich kid snob who thinks his daddy's money can and will get him out of everything.

I push past him, clutching my clothes to my chest, when I reach the front door, I turn to glare at him. "Your a sick fuck, you know that?"

He doesn't even bat an eye.

I make it mine and Sadie's shared Honda before the first tear rolls down my face. I'm sitting in the drivers seat when I pull out my phone, hands shaking, and send the text I had been contemplating almost all day.



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