Chapter Twenty-Two

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To add insult to injury, my team continues on loosing for the rest of the game. Jess is over the stupid fucking moon, hooping and hollering and what have you, seeing as his team had no problem winning. So now, to recap each and every reason why I can't wipe the scowl off my face: my team lost, I now owe both Braden and Colton a whopping twenty bucks each, thanks to our betting nature, and my fucking girl kissed another poor bastard. I can't even remember the last she kissed me, and it's beginning to kill me. I'd give my left kidney to feel her lips on my mine, to feel her hands caressing me, but noooo.

Indigo's half drunk, she started drinking gulping down beer after beer after Sadie had exposed her. I almost want to say her infidelity, but I can't even call it that. We're not together, we never have been. I guess I just expected that since Greer had treated her so awfully, she would never dream of treating someone that way, but here I am, raw proof. It's his fault, I know it, he fucked up the most perfect girl in the world, destroyed her love map beyond recognition, even for her.

I'd kill him for it.

The girls are saying their goodbyes, when Sadie turns to me, quizzical in appearance, "Aren't you coming, too?"

I raise a brow. I'm not exactly in the party mood. "Why would I?"

"It's at Damion's, I figured he would have invited you."

Fuck. He did invite me. We're both on the football team, and he's a great dude, though definitely you're typical, cliche college football player. He's a big fan of the ABCs, too; Ass, Booze, and Crazy.

It'd be shitty of me to not go, even though all I want to do is go home and sulk, but I doubt anyone will be there. And besides, maybe it will put me in a better mood.

I stand up, and down the remaining few sips of my beer in one swift swallow. I've only two, so I'm fine to drive. I follow Sadie and Indigo to the doorway. Indigo stumbles over her own feet, tripping on bumps that aren't there, catching her own ankle with her other foot.

My arm shoots out, steadying her, grabbing her at her hip, where jeans meet lace. It's like I'm struck by lightning as an electric current zaps though me, sending sparks up and down my arm, from fingertips to my shoulder. Indigo feels it too, she gasps, and looks at me, her wide eyes so beautiful. Something flickers in them as she beholds me under the stronghold that is her gaze. Her tongue juts out and hypnotizingly wets her lips.

She takes a deep breath, and then opens her rose-colored lips, all that escapes is a ot rush of hair, bathing my neck.

"Let's go," Sadie says, breaking us out of our trance, if that's what you want to call it.

Instead of releasing Indigo, I move my hand to the small of her back, her blazer bunching up on my wrist. Having an excuse to touch her, even if it is so small, so minuscule to anyone but us, my hands are on fire where they meet her skin, and to take it away would be to freeze.

I guide her towards the passenger side of their Honda.

"I'm driving," she weakly tells me, making to walk by herself to the other side of the car, Sadie is still at the door, promising Mom we'll all be perfectly safe and responsible.

I laugh, "The hell you are, you can't hardly walk, I had to help you over here."

She turns to face me, our noses only a mere inch or two apart. She leans against the car door, "You didn't have to," she tells me. I know she's right, and so does she. "You just wanted to touch me. That's the reason you sent me this," she pulls on her top, so hard one her tits nearly manage to escape, and though it doesn't entirely, her nipple is exposed. It's peaked, whether from the cold or because of me, I don't know, I don't care, and nor does my hand, as I reach it up towards it. I the hard little peak between my thumb and forefinger and roll it like a piece of play-doh, eliciting a sharp, huffy gasp from Indigo.

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