Surprises and Memories

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As the gang arrived at the house, Elsa crashed outside surprising everyone. 

"Elsa are you okay?"

"I am but..."


"Wait is that..."

"Yes I was about to call you but you got here. It happened so suddenly and..."

"Okay okay calm down let's go inside, wait kids." The twins ran to find their mother in agonizing pain and were scared.

Hiccup went inside to find her while Heather told the kids that everything was going to be alright. She took them out of the room leaving Hiccup, Iduna, and Anna.

"Hiccup we called Gina but she is dealing with something right now and..."

"Hey, it's okay."

"Hiccup," Elsa called giving him the phone,


"Hiccup, oh thank goodness your there. I have surgery to take care of and I was about to call the hospital to send a doctor there."

"Yeah don't worry. Is there anything I should..."

"Ahhhh." With that Hiccup enters the room and quickly puts his gear on and took a look. She wasn't fully dilated yet. He grabbed the bag that was on the top of the closet because she ordered the birth to be an at-home birth. In the bag, there were also her records and results. But there was something else worrying him.

"Gina this is an 8-month pregnancy we need to call an ambulance."



''I lied and Gina knows. (panting). This is on time but I just wanted to avoid Kristoff and Mom's overprotective behavior. (panting). I am so sorry but now it is time."

"We will talk later Anna but we have to call Kristoff." Iduna left to get someone to call him.

"Okay, that gives me a lot of relief actually. Anna, you are not fully dilated okay I need you to relax."

"Hiccup I have to go."

"Okay but tell me everything before you go," Gina told Hiccup everything about anna and thankfully, the pregnancy had no complications and she has been up to date with everything. With that Hiccup hanged up and saw that she was ready.

"Okay Anna I need you to push on the count of three."


"1..2..3... push."

In the living room, Elsa was having an argument with Kristoff.

"We didn't know that this was on time she told us 8 months."

"She said that she would tell you I thought she did."

"Okay let's put that to the side, you better take the next flight to the Carolinas and be here to see her."

"Don't have to ask me twice."


"Okay we are almost there and stop. Breath, slowly. Okay ready?"

"Yeah, okay one more push."

"AHHHHHHHH." The baby finally came out and Hiccup was doing what was needed to be done and then the baby began crying.

"Hey, that's it. Keep crying you need it." Anna was relieved to see that her baby was alright. It was a beautiful girl that had blond hair and blue eyes. Moments later, everyone wanted to meet her but Hiccup asked for only the twins to come in.

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