Jury (part 1)

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It was time for Astrid to leave and have everything settled. When she arrived she received a call from her attorney to meet her at her office.

"So what did he have planned for her?"

"Apparently he had a will. Did you know about that?"

"No, once he died I just focused on my baby and his mother supposedly took care of everything. What does it say."

"I have not met with the attorneys but I do know that the focus is on Zephyr. He may have had a plan for her or maybe even an amount of money she could use."

"Well I personally don't think it was to help her."

"We'll see, but Astrid, whatever it is, we will make sure she stays with you."

"Thank you so much."

Day of the first jury

"Will all please rise. Welcome in the courtroom Judge Lucy Wilde."

"Thank you, this is case 369907 with the case of Astrid Hofferson vs. Ingrid Holmes. May the defendant please state the case."

"Yes your honor. My client is involved in this case, willing to fight for her granddaughter. She cares about her well being. She believes that the best place for the child is to be with her not only because of the economic status, but also because she was trusted by her late son. Her late son has stated in the will that the mother of the child is not, and I mean NOT equipped to care for her."

"I object your honor. I will not tolerate my client to called out in such disrespect."

"Sustained. Walter please focus on the facts and don't attack the plaintiff."

"Yes your honor. To continue, the will is specific by stating that the mother is not equipped to care for a child. Especially with the fact that she took her away from her grandmother without notifying her. We could call it kidnapping but my client has been generous enough to not report her and separate them in a rough way. All my client wants is to spend time with her only grandchild that belongs to her only and deceased son."

"(Whispers.) Is she serious?"

"Okay thank you, can attorney Calhoun state your case."

"Yes your honor. Your honor, my client is no danger to the child and economically she is stable to care for her. She is not homeless, nor she is doing what single mothers these days do when they have no choice. She also has a job that helps sustain herself and her daughter. Her daughter is in a stable environment and she is in no danger what so ever. Now we have the defendant claim the opposite but there is a detail that my opponent has not covered. We had no notice of the will of the diseased. We also have no idea what the wishes are and if they are accurate."

"I object your honor. She is defying the wishes of the deceased."


"All I am saying, is that we want to know what are the wishes and assumptions that are stated there. This case was suppose to involve who cares for the child, who gets custody. But it looks like we have to involve the deceased and the case now has to be about a will. So your honor, may this case be about the child. Thank you."


"As long as this case goes, we will take into account of the will. However, we will focus on this case the way a child custodial case is taken. Court in recess for an hour."

Everyone got up and to get out of the courtroom. Ingrid and Astrid shared glares while she was leaving. 

"I don't understand. What could John have said. He never saw me being a mother."

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