Chapter 9: The Scenic Route

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Kowalski stood by one of the windows, his tail wagging enthusiastically. Blowhole watched him with a small smile. He had expected that the peng-u-in would find an aquatic adventure, where he wasn't the one driving or navigating, interesting, but he had underestimated just how interested he would be.

"Oh! Look at that!"

He rolled over and chuckled. "Yes, that's a fancy looking eel, isn't it? A ribbon eel I believe."

"I think the same." Kowalski slid over to another window. "Oh!" He gasped, tail wagging more quickly. "Francis! Come look!"

"What's up now?"

"A giant squid!"

Blowhole followed him over again. "I guess compared to you it is pretty big, but I'm pretty sure that's not a giant squid." He watched as Kowalski then slid back to the other window.

Neptune's trident. He could only imagine how he'd react to a materials store if this was how he reacted to just seeing the ocean. He chuckled slightly as he watched the peng-u-in zoom from window to window. He could be such a dork. Adorkable.

He then rolled away to look at some navigation charts.

Crabcakes. He wasn't starting to fall for him actually, was he?

He glanced back at Kowalski who was rambling on about some coral. He then looked back at the charts. Sure, this date was his idea so that he could get more information...But he couldn't ignore that he was truly enjoying the peng-u-in's company. Admittedly, he was one of the few he had ever met who shared his passions, interests, and could just have a fun time with...and be completely himself.

Not that he wasn't himself usually, as both Blowhole and Francis are sides of himself...But he felt able to be both sides of himself with Kowalski. He felt that way around Parker as well...but Parker was not the type for impromptu karaoke and he did not share his scientific passions. And of course, he couldn't show his Blowhole side around Doris or his mother, they just didn't understand...But Kowalski. He knew his dark side and seemed to welcome his Francis side as well.


The peng-u-in turned away from the window and waddled over to him. "Yes?"

"What is your opinion on humans?" He looked down at him. "Your honest opinion."

Kowalski looked at him in silence for a moment. "My opinion?"


"As a whole, humanity is problematic. Humans are lazy, moronic, and some days it's amazing how they're not extinct." He said and then looked up at him. "That being said, I recognize that on an individual level, they are not all the same. There are good humans, just like there are bad penguins..."

Blowhole considered this silently.

"Honestly, if humans suddenly went extinct, I would not shed many tears for their absence. However, drowning the entire world to eliminate one species leads to too many innocent casualties. Something like a virus that only infected humans would be far more effective."

"Say what now?" He blinked and looked at him quizzically. "Are you seriously giving me options?"

Kowalski shrugged. "You asked for my honest opinion. If you're determined to exact revenge on the human race, then I think you should try to do so in a way that hurts the least amount of innocent species in the process. I mean, when you drown the world, you also drown the trees and you need their oxygen too, you know?"

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