Chapter 20: Movie Night Distraction

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Chapter 20: Movie Night Distraction

Once Blowhole had parked the car, Kowalski helped him with his segway before hopping out and dragging his duffle bag out behind him. As fun as it was investigating that old road, he was thankful to be back in fairly normal and probably not haunted territory.


"Hmm?" He looked up at him as the dolphin opened the door.

"I need to check on how the lobsters are cleaning up from earlier. I'll have Red One show you to the theater room."

"Why am I not surprised that you have a theater room?"

"Oh yeah. You'll love it. Surround sound, bass boosted, large screen..." He chuckled, still rolling away. "Just stay there, the lobster will find you." He then vanished around the corner.

Kowalski shook his head and sighed. It still did not seem fair that the villains got the good stuff. They're evil, leave chaos in their wake, and can do pretty much whatever they want whenever they want...Whereas the good guys have to walk on eggshells around humans, scrounge around in the junkyard for materials, nearly get themselves killed trying to keep order and everyone safe, but never get any recognition for their work. Heck, even among other good guys you aren't appreciated. Maybe villains were onto something after all.

He leaned back against a wall as he waited for Red One. Skipper would have a cow if he decided to switch alliances. He'd disown him as a brother in a heartbeat...But he wasn't dark enough to be evil anyway. He didn't...well, no that would be a lie. World domination did sound interesting, but he didn't feel compelled to try for it. He also, unless provoked, wasn't a fan of inflicting pain or misery upon anyone. And yet...he still didn't feel like he truly fit the mold of a good guy either. He knew he was selfish and he has been known to on occasion borrow things from humans indefinitely without paying and without asking. Rarely did he feel guilty about that.

His moral grayness was one reason why Skipper was so strict with him, he knew this. In Skipper's mind, neutral didn't exist. There was only his side, the good side, and the enemies' side. Kowalski wished he would consider a middle ground option. Sure, Private, Rico, and him didn't have much trouble being good guys all the time...but Kowalski found it exhausting, bland, and stifling some days. He should be allowed to mix it up from time to time and be a little bad, have a little fun.

Like these experiments with Francis.

Kowalski licked his beak as he mulled this over. Did he truly like him like him, or was this all just because he was a dolphin and he provided a semi-safe way for him to be a little rebellious? How could he know for certain one way or the other? What if it was just a phase?

But then again, life is all about going through different stages and phases. If he was enjoying his company and spending time with him, did it even matter if it was just a phase?


Kowalski blinked and looked over at Red One. "Oh hi." He stood up from the wall.

"This way," the lobster said as he started skittering away. After a few minutes he paused and looked at him. "So uh... You and the boss are getting along well?"

"I think so?" He raised a brow at him.

"You think after this you two will, uh, keep seeing each other?"

"I...well...I suppose that's up to Fra—Er, Blowhole." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm certainly open to the possibility..."

"So you really like him? You're not like, just seeing him for information?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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