Chapter 13: Francis's Lab

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Chapter 13: Francis's Lab

A week later, Kowalski was driving to New Jersey. It was late in the afternoon. He had told Skipper he needed to go by a lab in Pennsylvania, which was roughly the same distance away, but in the complete opposite direction. At least he had managed to get out during the daylight.

The previous week had been pretty boring. Small missions, routine training, and smile and waving, that was all. That being said, he had looked back at his EMF detector and did some tweaking... And had started building his own 'spirit box' like was mentioned in his class. His, however, was called the Ghost-Talkie since he built it from an old walkie-talkie. It wasn't finished yet, but it should be ready for Halloween.

He was looking forward to seeing Francis...And his lair. A time he could actually glance around without having to dodge lasers? Heck yes.

Kowalski thought back to their very first time crossing Blowhole in one of his lairs. Of course, that was before he had minions and his even bigger and better lairs, but even that first lair had been pretty impressive. The laser system alone was phenomenal. At least he had been polite enough to let him geek out in between laser attacks.

He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. If it wasn't for the fact they were there to stop him, he totally would have offered to work with him on a project or two back then. He had been such a fanboy... In secret, of course.

And then, many missions later, the banter and rivalry grew... But he couldn't say he ever hated him like Skipper. No, no quite the opposite. Kowalski was slightly jealous of him, sure... But Blowhole never failed to impress him with his schemes and inventions.... And then that smirk. Cod, that smirk. His being evil should not be hot...But it totally was.

Kowalski parked the coup outside the amusement park fence in a bush. He took out his phone and texted him that he was there before sliding along the sidewalk, looking for the entrance. He felt along the wall and nearby rocks for a hidden switch.

"Ah hah!" He flipped a switch and stepped back, waiting for the wall to open up. Instead, the ground dropped away from beneath him. "GOOD GALILEO GALILEIIII!"

He fell through a network of ropes, but stopped falling before he would have hit the floor. There he swung, tangled up in ropes. He wriggled, but it was useless. He was stuck.

And so he hung there, waiting.

And waiting...

And waiting...Until finally Francis rolled into the room. He did not look amused.

"Hey Francis, how's it hanging?" Kowalski chuckled with a sheepish grin.

"You idiot. You couldn't wait for me to open the door, could you?" He frowned at him, crossing his flippers.

"Yeah, in hindsight I should have waited."


Kowalski grinned at him still. "Can I have a bit of help down, please?"

Blowhole looked at him and poked his beak. The penguin swayed slightly left and right. "Maybe...Or maybe I should just let you hang here for a while longer."

"Although this view of you is quite a charming angle, Francis, the blood rushing to my brain is making me rather dizzy."

"Hey, hey, don't you dare throw up on my floor." He reached up and started untying the knots. "But maybe with that extra oxygen reaching your brain you'll make better decisions." He untied the last knot.

Kowalski fell down onto the floor. "Thanks...," he grunted.

"Next time, why don't you wait for me to open the door?"

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