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The boys come to the clearing and are so shocked at what they see that they can't understand it, at least at first. Then the silence of the forest is broken by Blake's heartrending cry, "Iliana, NOOOO!"

That cry set in motion all ten of them. They run to the figure of the downed girl. The girl that is so bloodied and broken that it had been hard for them to recognize her. "Iliana," Blake says carefully gathering her up and holding her close.

The ten are so focused on the scene before them that they forget to keep an eye out on the surroundings. They forget the reason they were searching for Iliana. The sound of the man's evil chuckle breaks them out of their forgetfulness. They look up and find themselves surrounded by the ones that took Iliana and nearly killed her.

The men hold their guns negligently in their hands as they watch the ten brothers break down at the sight of the young woman's broken body. "She was rather stubborn, didn't want to say anything. Shame she fought us so much, it would have been so much more fun, for her, if she hadn't."

The brother's, other than Blake, set themselves as a protective circle around the two on the ground. Even as the men set their guns up ready to shoot and kill them all. Faster than the men can see the brothers start running in circles to make it harder for any of the bullets to hit them.

The men are a little distracted by that, but just fire at the two that are still. They can tell that some of the bullets hit the two as the bodies jump from the impact, but it doesn't even bring the attention of the male away from watching the female.

The brothers had already decided that since Blake has the best healing abilities that he would do everything to help Iliana and they would do all they could to make it possible, even if it meant their death.

"Use Iliana as a focus and send your powers through her." Blake manages to tell them and then sends his own power to her. Directing all that power Blake manages to heal some of her most life threatening injuries, then tired of the continued threat to their family he sends the remaining power out to those causing them harm.

Almost immediately, the men surrounding them start falling. But the power moves from there to all those that have conspired with or helped hurt them in league with these men and they fall dead as well. Finally, all those that would take up the hunt for them die. Leaving several children as orphans in cities and towns far from where this all takes place.

Once that is done, Blake falls down over Iliana in exhaustion. The brothers hear people coming, but are too hurt and weak to do much but fall where they are standing.

That is how the police find them when they break through to the clearing.

"Shit, what the fuck happened here?" One of the officers demand. Nine men in a circle, bloody and unconscious or worse. Another male lying protectively over a female, the male is shot multiple times and the female is beaten and shot as well. Around them are several men with the guns that they believe shot the others and they appear to be unconscious or dead as well, but there aren't any marks on them.

Well, that isn't completely true. There are signs that some of the men with guns are the ones that beat all to hell the female.

"Are any of them alive?" The officer in charge demands as one after another says that the ones they are checking are dead.

"Yeah, although they are all badly wounded, I'm getting heartbeats on all of them here in the circle. The girl and the guy that was protecting her are in really bad shape though. They will need to be taken immediately to the hospital if they are to make it." One of the officers tells his boss. He was a medic in the army and hoped to never seen something this bad ever again.

"Do what you can. I'll request a helicopter."

"Better make that two of the big ones. Two ambulances for some of them. Those two can be taken by car, but the others will require more intensive care." The medic says as he evaluates and starts doing what he can as some of the other officers run back to their cars for their first aid kits.

"Just who the fuck are these people?" The officer in charge demands. One of the other officers tries to find identification on the victims. 

"Oh, shit, boss, you aren't going to like this." The officer says and hands the wallet to his boss.

"Blake Hamilton, you have to be kidding?" The officer says more than a little sick.

"No, sir," The officer that handed him the id says even as he looks for and finds id on some of the other victims.

"Please, please tell me that they aren't his brothers?"

"Sorry, boss, but they all appear to be. If this is Blake Hamilton than the female is most likely his girlfriend, Iliana Bloomington." The officer does his best to not look at the abused female.

"Just what the fuck happened?"

"Both Miss Bloomington and the Hamilton's families were killed violently. Someone seems to have targeted both families. Looks like they planned to take out the children now." The officer nods to the gun wielding dead.

"There isn't a mark on them, just what the hell killed them? It's obvious that the Hamilton's didn't since they are all full of bullets. Miss Bloomington sure the fuck didn't. Not sure she would have been able to even move if those bruises on her body are any indication."

"That, boss, I can't tell you. Not sure any one but the coroner will be able to tell you that." The officer says taking the first aid kit from one of the men and starts putting pressure on the wounds that he can. Other officers do the same, including their boss.

All of them are praying that more medical help gets there before it's too late.

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