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"What's going on, doctor? Why is she crying?" Blake is almost beside himself that Ili might be in pain and unable to communicate that with them. If he hadn't already killed those responsible for her being like this, he would kill them all again, slowly this time. He only wishes that they had had time to do more. But sending out enough power to rupture the heart or cause massive strokes in his enemies was the quickest way to stop them from shooting them even more. 

"Calm down, please, Mr. Hamilton. We don't always know what causes our patients to cry while they are in a comatose state. It could be a memory that she's reliving or it could be pain or something else entirely. We may never know just why Miss Bloomington is crying, I'm sorry."

The doctor looks over her vitals, "But since her heart rate is only slightly raised I don't believe that the tears are caused by pain."

With those words Blake calms down slightly. His love isn't in pain, not much he can do about the rest, but pain is something that can be dealt with.

"Ili, you need to come back, love. We all miss you and need to hear your voice." Blake tells her as he gently caresses her face.

Just before the doctor leaves after checking everything over the reassuring sound of the heart monitor changes. The solid sound brings fear to Blake and gets the doctor into action mode as he calls a code. Shortly Blake is forced out of the room so that the other medical personnel can come in and have room to hopefully save her life once more.

"Blake, what the fuck is going on?" Isaac comes to his side and demands as he notices the medical personnel scrambling around in Iliana's room. 

"She coded, I was fucking right there and she coded." Blake tells him absently and more than a little lost.

"Can you send her any healing?" Isaac demands. When Blake doesn't reply he shakes him. "I said, do you have any energy you can send her to help them?"

He can feel the energy his brother is sending and feels as his other siblings send him theirs as well. Finally he is able to send it directly to Iliana and he hears the doctor tell them that they have a heart beat.

The tension from inside the room relaxes and the medical personnel are smiling as they leave the room. None of them like losing a patient, especially not one that has already gone through so much and had so far survived.

The doctor leaves after he gives the nurse some instructions. He makes his way directly over to Blake and the waiting brothers. "That was damn close, far too close. I don't know if we will be able to bring her back if that happens again. There worst part is, we have no idea why it happened to begin with. Her vitals were good right up until she crashed."

"This is just like what happened two years ago after the snake attacked her. They brought her back like you just did." Blake says heavily.

The doctor pauses, "There might be a link. If she is remembering, reliving the events of two years ago then it could cause her body to act like it had then. Had she cried much when she was attacked?"

The brothers all look at him with scathing looks, "It was a fucking snake bite, it hurt. Ili doesn't show pain in front of others, not even us most times. She would never cry unless the pain was too intense to hold back on and she was sobbing until she passed out. They had to bring her back from that as well, as we mentioned. It was after this that she woke up, though, so does that mean that she'll be waking soon?" Blake is too lost in thought to pay attention to his brothers and the doctor talking.

"If the situation continues to correlate that is a definite possibility.  Other than that, Miss Bloomington is healing very nicely. Now if you will all excuse me?" The doctor goes off shaking his head. He's never had a case like this before. There was no apparent reason for the patient to code out like she had.

"Blake!" Isaac finally gets his older brother's attention. "Do you want to go in now or wait until after one of us comes out?" Isaac says once he has Blake's attention.

"I'll go in now, but I won't be able to stay in there long. I used too much energy just now." Isaac nods thoughtfully. They had given him a great deal of energy, he wasn't sure how his brothers that weren't there knew to send it to them, but he is thankful that they did. He doesn't think that Ili would have survived otherwise. Isaac helps him to the door and over to Ili's bed before waiting outside to give Blake some time alone.

"Ili, I won't be able to stay very long this time. You nearly dying, the boys and I had to send you a great deal of power. I did my best to help you heal, but now you need to come back to us. We need you, we need to see your smile, hear you speak and laugh. I've already contacted your friend Richard to help you while you are recovering again. He said that he'll drop everything once he knows when you will need him. He was a little less than happy that you need his help once more. Even less happy to know that you are once more in a coma. If he wasn't the best I wouldn't have him help you, but he is and I know that you like him. You'll do better with him than some stranger.

"Please, baby, wake up and come back to us, to me. I need you. We are slowly dying, Ili. We are still following your rules. We can't eat fully without you. I'm sorry, that sounds so selfish. But then again, you've known me a long time, love, and you know how selfish I am. Especially when it comes to you." Blake breaks down and lets his tears fall. He just can't hold back any more. There's a whole in his chest where his heart should be. His heart in on the hospital bed and nearly died such a short time ago.

Preston enters the room softly. As he hears his older brother cry he doesn't make a sound. He can't remember the last time Blake cried. Not even when Ili nearly died two years ago. He looked like shit, but he didn't cry.

He doesn't think that Blake will survive long if Iliana doesn't wake up soon. In truth, he doesn't think any of them will. But they aren't nearly as close as Blake and Iliana are. Preston has always been somewhat jealous of their closeness, but he realizes that it's his fault that he's not closer. At least he isn't in as bad of shape as Flynn and Casper. Those two should be some of the closest to Iliana and instead are her least favorites.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Blake, but your doctor wants to check on your wounds and has requested that you return. I'll take you back if you would like help? Isaac will stay by her side until another one of us comes to relieve him in two hours." They have a system set up, Blake usually just stays and the others come in on their turn, but this time Blake has no choice.

"Yes, thank you, Preston." Blake says wiping his tears away as Preston comes and takes his chair. Preston pretends that he didn't see the tears or the signs that Blake was crying but Isaac gives him a look, a very worried look  and Preston nods in agreement. Ili needs to wake up soon or Blake might not make it himself.

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