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Iliana ignores the gifts outside her door and just goes to bed. The gifts are meaningless when they have shown that they don't really want to have anything to do with her. Not even Isaac. Preston has never been close to her, but Isaac, she had been nearly as close to him as she had been Blake and his ignoring her had hurt a great deal. Almost as much as Dimitri and the triplets had hurt her.

When she gets up she notices that the gifts are still there waiting for her. She wonders how long before they get the hint and take them back. She makes her way to the kitchen and is rather surprised to see most of the brothers already up and ready to spend the day in the sun and ocean.

"Ili, they asked if they were still allowed to come with us on the trip. I told them that they would have to get your permission."

"Then they should ask me, shouldn't they?" Ili replies as she fixes herself some food ignoring the boys just like they have done for the last few months.

There are no sounds except for her cooking food or the occasional sound from one of the others as they eat. Yet none of them bother to ask her the question they need to in order to go with them. Ili didn't really think they would, but she had hoped they would.

"Ili, would it be alright if I came with you and Blake?" Isaac is the first to break the awkward silence and ask the all important question.

Ili looks up from her food more than a little astounded that someone actually talked to her directly.

"You actually talked to me?" The disbelief is heavy in her tone and the boys all look down in shame since they had all made her feel like that.

"Yes. Please, I would really like to spend the day with you. I know it's late, but happy birthday. I'm sorry I acted like a jackass and ignored you yesterday. I hadn't even realized that I was doing it."

"Then how can you make sure that it won't happen again?" Ili asks with a penetrating look that makes Isaac uncomfortable.

"I won't make a promise, because I am likely to screw up, but I can promise that I'll do my best to not be such a douche in the future."

Ili snorts, "Right. Fine, sure, you can join us as long as it won't be a problem with the company taking us out."

"The company was told to expect eleven, but that some might not come. There will be plenty of food and room on the boat. It's up to you, Ili."

"Then I guess we'll be taking Isaac with us."

"Might I come as well? I know I don't deserve it either, I let you down and I am sorry. I'm also sorry that I didn't wish you happy birthday yesterday. I know it likely wasn't very happy, but I do wish you a happy unbirthday today." Preston says and hopes that she'll get the reference. When she was younger she loved Alice in Wonderland and they sometimes had tea parties and wished each other happy unbirthdays.

"Thank you. If you really want. I don't want any one to come that is coming just because they feel guilty or pressured into coming. I'll be leaving tomorrow and then you'll be able to enjoy this vacation without my presence bringing you all down." Ili looks down at her remaining food and makes a face. 

She picks up her plate and as she scrapes the food into the garbage Phoenix and Kai speak in tandem like they occasionally do. It rather creeps her out when they do, but they don't do it intentionally. "We also want to apologize. We're sorry we haven't wished you happy birthday at the right day, but we do now. We would be honored if you would allow us to join you as you get up close and personal with the sharks."

"Thank you, like I said, if you want to spend time with me you are welcome," Ili quickly washes her dishes but the others don't say anything so she figures they aren't interested in spending time with her. 

She isn't looking up when she goes to walk out of the kitchen and so would have run into the boys that are blocking her way if Casper didn't stop her before she runs into them. "Wait, please. Flynn and I owe you more than just an apology for yesterday."

Flynn takes over, "We apologize for how we acted when we brought our friends over. It's no excuse, but we were showing off for them. They gave us a shit load of crap once you left. They think you are rather cool, by the way. We deserved the words you gave us as you left and a whole lot more."

Casper takes over once more. "I especially apologize for how I acted that day and all previous days. You don't deserve that and I don't blame you in the least for not wanting to stay around. I am sorry for ignoring you yesterday and failing to wish you happy birthday."

"So is this you two asking to come? I accept your apologies. But I always thought you two didn't like me much any way."

"We do like you, we just suck at showing it. Yes, we would like to come today, if you will permit it." Flynn finishes.

Ili shrugs, "Sure, as long as it won't make you act like assholes again, you can come."

This time when she tries to go forward, she really doesn't want to talk to the triplets, they hold her. "If you don't want us to come, we fully understand. We've been beyond douches. We had no right to blame you for our friends being banned from the house. Honestly, when they told you what they did, we had our music on were wearing our earbuds, so we didn't hear them. Jaxon was beat up before we could stop it, but they never told us why they ganged up on him, and threatened him so he couldn't say anything. When Preston kicked them out he was more than pleased to tell Preston what he couldn't tell us." Gregor starts off.

"We didn't believe him. It wasn't until we pulled up the security footage and watched it that we believed you. It shouldn't have come to that, Ili and it makes me, us, sick. We'll be cutting association with him and all those that have given you a hard time. You aren't a parasitic leech. No one could possibly call you a bitch if they even know you a little and we are all orphans. I guess they forgot that part when they were making you feel like shit." Piedro continues.

"We also apologize for how we've been acting towards you in school. We know that the girls only want to be your friend to get with us and we've made sure that the guys stay away from you. It wasn't fair of us to do that." Dimitri finishes.

"You're right, it wasn't. I have a right to have a life outside of you boys. You all have been having sex since you were twelve or thirteen, you need to allow me the chance to do so as well if I want to. 

"I didn't mind much as long as you all were willing to be my friends but if you aren't going to be then you need to let me make some."

"From now on, none of you will interrupt her talking to any guys that talk to her." Blake steps in. He hates the idea of her having sex, but she has a valid point. She's never said anything about their flavors as she calls them, coming over. She's even helped them get the one that they targeted or helped them get some of the extra clingy ones go home the next day and never complained.

The boys aren't happy about Blake's edict but if it keeps Ili with them they are willing to give it a try.

"So, will you allow us to come?" Dimitri asks hopefully.

"Come where? You never asked me if you could go anywhere."

"Can we come with you and the others shark diving?" Piedro asks.

"I guess, better hurry we're leaving shortly."

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