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"What do you mean you won't be coming with your family, Kai?" Iliana asks holding back her tears. She was so excited to see them all.

"I got detention and had to help the drama club do the props for the play, when the principal decided that wasn't good enough she assigned me to light and sound. I have to be here during the play and it's this weekend. If I don't come then I'll be expelled. No joke, she's going to fucking expel me if I don't do the damn play." Kai was more than a little irritated at having to do the light and sound for the stupid play. 

"You know if your mother or mine heard you talking like that you wouldn't be allowed to talk to me any more." Iliana tells him in irritation. She doesn't like it when they use those kind of words or when their friends do and she's around. She thinks it makes them sound stupid and her boys aren't stupid.

"I know, I'm just so damn angry that I'm not able to come and visit you because of the stupid detention. The stupid play just has to be the same time as their trip."

Iliana is curious, "Just what did you do to tick off the principal so badly?"

Kai turns away from the camera and she sees his face actually turning a deep red from embarrassment. "I was caught having sex on school grounds, the janitors closet, with her daughter during school hours."

Iliana can tell that her jaw is dropped and has to  remind herself to close her mouth. "Kai! You are only in middle school, what the heck?"

Kai shrugs and gives a small embarrassed grin. "It's not like she was a virgin when I fucked her. Phoenix was with her first and Preston went before that."

"Preston had sex with her? Are you guys stupid? How did Preston hook up with a middle school girl? He's in high school for heaven's sake. Is he trying to get himself arrested?"

"Don't know, you'll have to ask him that when you talk to him tomorrow. Oh, before I forget, I am sending a gift with Blake. Make sure you get it from him before he leaves. I think he's leaving before the others."

Iliana giggles, "I'm sure he's not all that happy about that. He hates flying commercial. Can't say as I blame him. We used the jet when we came out here, but when we visited last month we had to fly commercial. The jet was much better. Much quieter that's for sure."

"He's trying to convince dad that the company needs another jet. I'm sure if he keeps at it long enough he'll succeed."

"Why does he have to leave early?" Iliana pouts at that. She doesn't like any of them leaving early. 

It's been six months since they moved and they've done an excellent job with doing the online talking. They've also done a lot of visiting, not quite once every two months, but close. This time it's only been one month. The triplets wanted to spend their birthday with her so they all came over so she could celebrate with them.

"He has interviews with colleges. He can't change. I think they are hoping that if Blake qualifies for their university that mom and dad will make a large donation to their campus in some way or another."

Iliana snorts in derision. "Father Clayburn doesn't buy his kids way. If they think that they will be terribly disappointed."

"No kidding. I don't understand why he's so dead set on going to that university."

"It does have a good business college and it's not too far from the main office. Your father wants him to start working there more, so he'll need to be close by if possible."

"How did you know that, Ili?" Now it's Kai's turn to have his jaw dropped.

"Blake told me. He just didn't tell me the reason for him having to cut his trip short. It probably would be better if he didn't even come, but I'm selfish and want to see him."

"Are you even going to miss me?" Kai asks plaintively. He knows that Ili thinks he doesn't like her as much as the others.

"Of course I will. You read the best bed time stories."

"I do?" Kai asks with a pleased smile coming onto his face.

"You do, why do you think I was so angry when Phoenix came in and took your place that one time?"

"I had no idea. I thought it was because I promised you I would come and Phoenix came instead."

"Well, yeah, but it's because Phoenix lied. I wouldn't have minded too much if he had come as himself and not pretended to be you. But no one reads the stories better than you."

"Not even Blake?" They all know that Blake is her favorite.

"Nope, not even him."

Kai looks very pleased and there is a slight pink tinge to his face. "I'll see if I can get a copy of the play. I know that they are recording it. If I can I'll send it to you. You might like it, it's a comedy and you seem to understand things that should be too adult for you to understand."

Iliana giggles again. "I have ten older boys to teach me a lot of that stuff. If one of you doesn't explain it then my parents will. They said that they would prefer me asking them questions then asking someone else. They make sure I understand. Just like mom explained what sex was. That was something I could have waited on having explained to me."

"You should have heard mom and dad yell at them about that."

Iliana giggles once more, "I can imagine. I'm sure that my mother talked to your parents and let them know just how unhappy she was about it. One thing I learned, if my mother isn't happy she makes sure that no one around her is either."

It's Kai's turn to laugh. "Ain't that the truth. It's getting late on your end so I have to say goodnight now. When I get the chance I'll read you a goodnight story. I'm really sorry that I won't be able to come tomorrow."

"That's okay, you called to let me know that you won't be able to come, so I understand. Just don't be stupid and have sex at school. Can't you wait until you get home?"

Kai smiles, "At least you aren't telling me not to have it at all."

"Like that would do me any good. You'll have it no matter what. Just be smart about it, Kai. I don't want to lose any other visits from you."

"I'll do better, I promise."

With that the scene turns black once more. Iliana smiles at the memory. He had done better. She fingers the necklace she's wearing, the same one that Kai sent as a gift with Blake. It was a little heart with her birthstone centered on it. The chain is a delicate gold one, she's always afraid that she's going to break it.

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