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Once Blake had eaten sufficiently and rested enough he heads back to Iliana.

"What did the police want?" Casper demanded once Blake stopped by them.

"Calm down, Casper, he likely just wanted Blake's statement. They'll likely talk to each of us." Preston says drained and leaning back against the waiting room couch. It wasn't very comfortable looking position, but when you are out of energy it doesn't matter.

"When was the last time you ate, Preston?" Blake demands. They don't lose control very often, all the brothers have extremely good control, but now would most definitely be a bad time to lose it.

"I had blood not too long before you came back. I just need to rest and eat some solid food. The nurse said she would wait until they brought the trays out before returning for me." Preston looks up as she sighs. "There's still no change in Ili, Blake. How much longer before she wakes up?"

"I asked the doctor that, he's not sure that she will wake up. Whenever you go in make sure that you talk to her and encourage her to wake up. I've been giving her what help I can."

There's a snort from Phoenix. "Right, it's bad enough that Iliana is unresponsive on her hospital bed, don't put yourself in one like that. Heal yourself before you kill yourself healing her."

"We need Iliana so that we can heal completely." Kai says angrily. He's never taken to being weak very well. He's the one that was most likely to spar with Iliana he was always exercising to get stronger. He has a few black belts as well. He even taught Iliana at one point, but then his schedule got too busy and he had to stop.

He also loves her more than he can say. That's why he's always had trouble with control around her. It took him a long time to learn sufficient control that he could be around Iliana alone for any length of time. He helped with her therapy when it was needed and that went a long way towards helping to heal their fractured relationship, didn't fix it completely, Kai had done a lot of damage before he finally explained things to her. She had called him an idiot and started spending more time with him.

"I only give her what I can. I need more healing, that's true. I didn't say differently. Ili would likely skin me alive if she knew just how much I give her." Blake can't hide the tiredness from his brothers.

"You should be resting Blake. Other than Ili you were the worst wounded." Isaac says coming through the door. He's limping but doesn't show any other signs that he'd been shot multiple times. He was one of the ones that they were able to transport in the police vehicle rather than needing the ambulance. He was the one that was stuck doing the paper work for most of them while waiting patiently for his turn to have the bullets removed. Him and Flynn. They each had several bullets in them, but somehow nothing vital was hit and mostly flesh wounds. It had taken them some time to fill out the paperwork for eleven people and even then they didn't know all the information. Blake had to fill in the missing parts when he became conscious enough to do so.

"Listen up, I know that many of you aren't all that happy with the police department and how the murders of our parents and that of Ili's still aren't solved. That's not their fault, they just had nothing to go off of. But right now you need to cooperate with them and let them close this case. Let the death of all those hunters be the unsolved case in reparations for what they have done to our families."

"Wait, they are dead? Won't their families come after us in vengeance?" Casper asks.

Casper had been hit seriously and had been unconscious until after they operated to remove the bullets that were dangerously close to his heart and liver.

Blake smirks as he replies, "All those in the glade were dead. I don't know just how far away it went, but it likely killed all their families that would come after us in vengeance. I hope so any way, that was my intentions. But please, no need to let the police know any of that."

The brothers all snort their derision. They will give their statements leaving out any mention of any supernatural abilities they have. The last thing they need is to have normal people start coming after them, especially now that the hunters have been neutralized.

"Iliana was stirring a bit when I saw you out here. Hopefully it's a sign that she's finally waking up." Isaac tells the group.

Blake swings his head over to him so fast he became dizzy. "Stirring how?"

"Moving her hands slightly, nothing big. Fluttering of her lids, just slight movements. I don't thinks she's quite ready to wake up yet. Have you contacted her previous nurse/therapist to see about coming back to help her when she wakes up?"

"Shit, no, I've been focusing on Ili and healing us both. I don't even know where my phone is right now." Blake says exhaustion seeping through his words.

Preston snorts, "I have it. I've been fielding calls all day from the office. We may need to hire another person to help out. We are too hurt and until Ili is better we aren't going back." Preston tells his oldest brother as he painfully gets up and walks over to him. "Please take it, but if you don't rest properly we'll be taking it back. We can't afford to have you relapse. You'll get out of here sooner and able to take over the reins once more faster if you are resting."

Blake just gives him a look and Preston shuts up. Blake doesn't appreciate Preston lecturing him like a child especially since he is doing the best he can. There are some projects that he has to deal with though, since they are his projects. A surprise gift for Iliana, he just hopes that she'll talk to him once she wakes up. That she'll talk to any of them.

He wheels himself over to the door and Kai helps him open it as he joins him at Iliana's bedside.

They are both unhappy to see tears on her face. Kai leaves to get Isaac as Blake calls for the nurse.

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