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Iliana giggles to herself as she remembers the horrified look the maître d' gave them when they tried to enter the restaurant. When he tried to stop them Blake narrowed his eyes at him and asked for the manager.

When the manager showed up Blake demanded to know if he knew who they were. "I can guess, you look just like the owner. My guess is that you are his son."

"Very good. These are my brothers and this is Iliana Bloomington, Joel Bloomington's daughter. We would like to come in for ice cream as a goodbye since they are moving across country early tomorrow. Will that be a problem, sir?"

"No, Mr. Hamilton, there's no problem. We'll set you and your party in the back room so you won't be interrupted as you say goodbye."

Blake smiles coldly, understanding the unspoken words that the other guests won't be bothered by them since they aren't in the dress code clothing. That and some of the children are under the age limit accepted by the restaurant. Why they have such a snooty restaurant that is only blocks away from the airport makes no sense to Blake. He's going to talk to his father about it when he gets home.

It doesn't take them long to set up the little used back room for their goodbye party.

"I want a hot fudge brownie sundae," Iliana tells them when they are seated.

Blake smiles, "That sounds good, I think I'll have that as well."

A couple of the other boys also have that but some opt for plain ice cream or for a different flavor of sundae.

More than half an hour goes by before they are done eating their dessert. Blake is holding Iliana all while they were eating and he can tell that she's losing the battle to not fall asleep.

"I've got this, Blake." Isaac says and pulls out his credit card. "Go ahead and take Iliana back to her room. I'll make sure the others get out to the cars."

Before they leave the dining room each of the boys give her a kiss on her cheek or her forehead goodnight and goodbye.

Iliana snuggles even closer into Blake as he walks out of the restaurant.  Blake holds her to him even tighter. He fights the tears that want to fall. He's not sure how he'll be able to go months without seeing her. Sure they will talk through skype or facetime, but it's not the same. It'll be months before he'll be able to hold her like this or play games with her. 

He still can't understand how he failed to talk to her for two weeks? He's used to talking to her on a daily or near daily regiment. He loves how Iliana tells him about her day and then waits patiently for him to tell her about his day. Usually by then she's exhausted and ready to go to sleep if they didn't see each other earlier.

He loves putting her to bed. How had he not done so? How had he not realized that she had stayed that week at his house? That is so unlike him and his brothers.  They love Iliana and love to spend time with her. From the time she was born they spent as much time as they can with her. Even if the older ones aren't able to the triplets always include her with their friends.

Iliana still doesn't understand it either. It was almost like a switch was thrown. One week they spent a great deal of time together and the next hardly any and then none at all. It never was explained to any of them how it happened. But Iliana does have to say that over the next few years they never let it happen again.

Even as she thinks that the scene goes dark once more. All she can do is hope that it's a happy scene that comes up and not one that will make her cry again. She hates crying, always has and likely always will. She hates how it clogs up her nose while at the same time making it run. Besides, she's never been able to cry prettily.

Iliana pouts at the message before her. They aren't able to be there tonight since they all have an important meeting or activity to be at. They've done really well at making all their online meetings, far more than she had thought.

She is brought out of her sad thoughts as the apartment doorbell goes off. She goes to answer it since her mother and the maid are busy.

"Blake?" Iliana screams out in excitement. "I thought you couldn't come with your family?"

"I couldn't. They'll be here tomorrow. I have only today and I have to return. Your father actually needed some papers so my father had me bring them so I could have some time with you."

Iliana moves out of the way so Blake can come in. "I don't see any papers with you."

"I went directly to your father's work and gave them to him. I almost didn't get here in time since I came commercial and they had some problems with the plane at one point. Then I went-" Blake is interrupted by Lovina.

"Blake, how lovely to see you. Will you be staying with us tonight? We have plenty of room." Iliana looks at Blake with pleading eyes as her mom invites him to stay over.

"I'm afraid not, Mrs. Bloomington. My parents requested that I get the penthouse ready for them so I'll be staying there tonight. I'll be leaving before they get here tomorrow." Blake makes a face, he hates flying commercial. He'll talk to his father about buying a second plane. There are enough executives using this one that a second one would come in handy.

Iliana is sad, she won't have much time with Blake.

"With you permission, Mrs. Bloomington I would like to take Iliana out."

"Oh, what do you have planned?"

"Well I have seats reserved for Sleeping Beauty ballet, since she wasn't able to see it before you moved here. Then after that I would like to take her to dinner before bringing her home."

"Please, mommy?"

"If I say yes, you have to stay with Blake at all times." 

"I will, I promise, mommy," Iliana says with excitement lighting her face.

"That includes escorting her to the restroom when she needs to go. It would be far too easy for her to get lost." But Lovina's eyes are saying so much more. It would be easy for some one to take her daughter and she would never be seen again.

"I swear to you that I won't let her out of my sight as long as she doesn't try to get away from me, there shouldn't be a problem."

Lovina takes a breath and lets it out slowly. "Very well, you may take her to the ballet and then to dinner. Just no where too fancy. Most of those places would consider her too young still."

Iliana scrunches up her face, "I don't like those places much either. They have weird tasting food."

Blake smiles at her. "I promise, we'll go where the food isn't weird." Iliana gives him a brilliant smile then scampers out of the room to get ready for the ballet.

"She'll likely come out wearing her Princess Aurora dress, just to warn you." Lovina tells him with a smile.

"I wouldn't be the least surprised if she does and it will be totally fine. I understand that this showing encourages people to dress up as their favorite character." Blake says as he makes the final purchase of the two tickets for the ballet.

It doesn't take Iliana long to show up dressed as Aurora. She skips over to Blake and takes his hand before telling her mother bye.

"We shouldn't be too late tonight. Before her bedtime for sure."

"Call if there are any problems, Blake. I'm trusting you a great deal here."

"I'll call, but I don't think it will be necessary and I know you are and I appreciate it a lot." Blake says before ushering Iliana out the door.

Iliana smiles at the memory of that first outing alone with Blake. The ballet was beautiful, even if it was a bit long, and then the food was really good. Trust Blake to take her to a café with really good milk shakes. Even after all these years that's still one of her very favorite memories.

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