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The scene changes once more. They must be getting close to the end now, Iliana is sure. 

"What do you mean you are going to give me a body guard and restrict my leaving?" Iliana demands when Blake gives her the news. Blake is wincing at her tone. It was cold and biting.

 He knew that she wouldn't like the news and so had put it off as long as he dared. But the information they are getting is becoming worse and worse and there is nothing they can do.

"We are getting threats from the same group we believed killed your parents and our parents. I would rather all ten of us be taken and killed than you be hurt by them even touching one of your hairs on your head. But to let you know I have body guards for all of us. We are taking these threats seriously." Blake tells her and Iliana deflates. If the others have a bodyguard then she will take one as well.

"The same group as the ones that took your parents out? You haven't dealt with them yet?" Iliana asks, her eyes opening wide. Blake shakes his head more than a little upset that he hasn't been able to deal with that threat permanently yet. His parents never managed too, but he is determined to find a way to protect Iliana and his brothers.

"I have been looking, but no, I haven't managed to find a way to do so yet."

Blake doesn't like the look of fear that takes over Iliana's face at his words. He tells his secretary to send someone in. Iliana much prefers this secretary to the bitch that she dealt with when she was sixteen and younger. But she doesn't think that the secretary likes her.

"I really don't think that she likes me, Blake." Iliana says watching the door that the secretary left through.

"She thought just because I used to use her for emergency feeding that I would ever be more with her."

"You slept with her? Doesn't she have a significant other?" 

Blake shrugs, "She didn't have a problem having sex with me while being married."

"I don't trust anyone that would cheat on their significant other. If they were to cheat on someone they supposedly love what else would they cheat on?"

"Ahh, Ili, I love you, I wish life were that simple. Unfortunately there are many people in the world don't know the meaning of the word faithful when it comes to their personal lives. That's why I have such ironclad  contracts. There are many that try to cheat on their business end as well."

There is a knock at the door. The door opens and a man comes in. Ili looks him over curiously. She likes the looks of him, but there is something that is bothering her about him.

"Ili, this is your new bodyguard, Jensen. Jensen, this is my girlfriend, Iliana Bloomington. You are to protect her with you life. You are to go with her every where and check out the bathroom's before you let her enter alone. Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course, sir." Jensen replies almost like he was in the military. Iliana could see him almost give Blake a salute. She figures that he had not so long ago gotten out of the military. It would explain the haircut and the at ease stance the man had assumed once Blake finished talking to him.

"I guess you won't be able to join me for lunch today, after all. I'll see you later than, Blake." Iliana says sadly.

"I'm sorry, but Phoenix and Kai are free and would love to go to lunch with you."

Iliana smiles and is ready to go looking for her other lovers. Before she could leave the room the doors open and the two come inside.

"Nix and Kai, Ili is ready to eat. After lunch take her where ever she wants to go before escorting her home, please?" Blake says to the two men before him.

"Sure thing, Blake. Ready Ili?" Phoenix says and holds out his hand for her. He pulls her into a kiss and then Kai does the same.

She doesn't think that they'll be doing much after lunch other than going home and to a bedroom.

Iliana was right and she enjoyed reliving those memories as they played out for some reason. As the other brothers came home they also spent some quality time with her. Not all of them wished for sex, but some of them did. Iliana has decided that sex is her favorite past time. Each of the boys has a way of being with her that is different from the others. Even the twins and the triplets were different and she loved how each of them make her feel.

She finishes up the day watching a movie with the boys cuddled up to Blake's side in the entertainment room. The same room that Casper and Flynn had once been so rude to her in. It has been two years, a little more than that, but seems like another lifetime. She just hopes that things never go back to the way the were. She never wants to be treated like that again.

But then the boys never treated her like this before either and this she likes very much. If they ever pulled away from her now it would kill her. But first she would leave and never speak to them again.

Iliana watches as the memory Iliana falls asleep curled up in Blake's arms.

"Have you told her, Blake?"

"Some, I just didn't know how to tell her the rest. I gave her Jensen to protect her. If an ex navy seal can't protect her there isn't much else we can do other than lock her up in the house. You know how well that would go over. She would likely leave and never look back."

Iliana thinks about it. He's partially right. She would leave, but she would look back. She loves these men so much, but she won't tolerate being locked up in a cage. No matter how gilded the cage might be.

Blake looks down at her so tenderly that it makes Iliana's heart ache. He gently picks her up and takes her to her room. He joins her there before falling asleep himself.

Well that explained how she got to bed. She had awakened alone in the bed the next day and his side had been neatly made so she hadn't known that he joined her. She didn't get a chance to talk to him before he left to work early that day.

She regrets that now. That night was the last night she saw him, saw any of them.

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