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The new scene comes on and Iliana holds her breath. 

"Hey, Lia, what do you want to do? Everyone else is busy doing boring adult stuff." Not quite everyone, the triplets couldn't make this trip since they came down with a pretty nasty cold. The doctor warned them not to take them on the plane since it would cause them a lot of pain. They were less than pleased at being left at home with just nannies to take care of them.

It was about nine months after the move now and the boys had shown a great deal of motivation when it comes to her. If they aren't able to make a call or a visit they always let her know ahead of time so she won't be upset. They all know that they better have a good reason to miss a call and a very good reason to miss a visit. The older ones, especially Blake are the ones most likely to miss the visits.

Blake does his best, but between work and school he's pretty booked. Although, his father does his best to make sure that he gets a chance to come visit whenever possible. Sometimes he'll show up as a surprise for Ili and she loves that. 

"I have some videos we can watch. I don't have any video games, sorry."

"That's okay, we can watch videos." Flynn goes over to the video collection Iliana has and looks them over. "Hey, Lia, do you have one you'd prefer watching?"

"Naw, go ahead you and Casper can choose whatever you want. I'll just sit here with you and if I don't like the one you chose then I'll play with my dolls."

The boys are more than happy with that since she'd likely have them do a tea party or something. Her playing while they watch a movie works quite nicely.

"How about the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?" Flynn asks his brother holding up the dvd.

Casper shrugs, "Works for me. Unless there's something on netflix or hulu you'd prefer to watch?"

"Nope, got bored with what's on there that we are permitted to watch. Mom and dad are far more lenient than Lia's parents are." Flynn says putting in the video.

"Hey, Lia, would your mom mind if we brought snacks in here while we watch the movie?"

"If it's healthy, like fruit slices, it's alright, but no junk. Especially not when we'll be going out to eat shortly after the movie finishes. You might not even be able to get the fruit, but you can try."

Flynn makes a face at the idea of a healthy snack, but it's better than nothing and he has no desire to wait for dinner. He's hungry now. Casper snickers as he leaves the room to ask for the snack. He doesn't mind fruit slices, for the most part any way. Besides, he's not in the mood for chips right now. Although, he wouldn't mind some ice cream, but there is no way Mrs. Bloomington would let them have that this close to dinner.

"Hello, I'm sorry, I can't tell if you are Casper or Flynn," Mrs. Bloomington says a bit embarrassed.

Casper smiles as he shrugs, "No big deal, Lia is the only one that can always tell us apart. I'm Casper. We're going to watch a video, is there any chance we can get a snack of some kind while we watch?"

Lovina smiles at Casper, "If you don't mind fruit. Which movie are you watching?" Lovina goes over and pulls out some containers of presliced fruit. She thought the kids might like a snack and so had it all prepared. She hands the containers to Casper.

"We're going to watch the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

Lovina smiles, "I always did like that movie. Wasn't crazy about the remake. Johnny Dep did a lovely job, but it just wasn't as good in my book." She shrugs. "Go ahead and take that into Iliana's room and I'll bring in some water to drink unless you'd prefer juice boxes?"

"Water will be perfect. Don't much care for the juice boxes." Casper gives a small shiver of disgust.

"Water it'll be then." Lovina takes out three water bottles and follows Casper back to Iliana's room. She sets down the water gives them all a smile and tells them to enjoy the movie and their snacks. Once she leaves the kids get comfortable before starting the movie.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen the original before." Flynn says as he munches on some grapes. "It's not so bad. Kinda trippy at times, but not bad at all."

Iliana nods, not really paying attention. She loves the show, but she's seen it several times. She doesn't need to watch it to know what's going on. She just listens and hums to the songs, especially the Oompa Loompa ones.

Flynn and Casper start laughing it up when Verruca starts throwing her temper tantrum about wanting a bean feast. "Imagine if we acted like that. Our mothers would have our hides." Casper says more than a little disgusted with her.

"No kidding. Can you even imagine Lia acting like that?" Iliana looks up to find both boys looking at her thoughtfully. 

"What? Are you kidding? My parents love me, but they'd kill me if I even for a minute thought about acting like that spoiled brat."

"Yeah, I just can't see it, Flynn. Lia is too quiet and sweet to ever even give a temper tantrum."

"Huh, I guess you don't remember when Phoenix came to my room and tried to pass himself off as Kai? I think it was three almost four years ago now. I was so loud and upset that it took Blake several minutes to calm me down."

Casper takes a minute to think about it, "Oh, yeah. She had a fit equal to this Verruca girl. She didn't destroy her room, but she sure set up a squall. I don't think I ever heard Lia scream bloody murder like that before."

Flynn is intrigued, "I don't think I know about it. At least, I don't remember hearing about it."

"Kai promised he would read me a bed time story. Instead, in came Phoenix and said he was Kai. I was furious. I wanted Kai and not Phoenix. I would have let Phoenix read me the story if he hadn't pretended to be Kai. I really hate it when they try to pretend to be the other brother. I don't like it when any of you try to pull that crap on me. It never works, I always know who is who and all it does is make me angry. He wouldn't leave my room. Casper came in and tried to tell me that he would tell me a story since he couldn't read that well yet, but I wasn't having any of it.  I wanted Phoenix out of my room and he wouldn't leave.

"Finally, Blake comes barging in and demands to know what was wrong. Casper here tells me a story after Blake gets me calmed down. Then he goes off to find out why Kai didn't come as he promised." Iliana says shrugging as she eat a piece of fruit.

"Yeah, you should have heard her, I had no idea her voice could get that loud. I still don't know why Phoenix didn't just leave when you told him to the first time." Iliana shrugs her shoulders, she has no idea either.

After that they get back to the movie.

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