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The bus ride felt long, like really fucking long. Even thought it wasn't, in reality it was only about thirty minutes. But Toni being forced to sit at the back of the bus behind Clarke and Lexa flirting with each other the whole ride and Shelby up the front acting like nothing happened was killing Toni.

Toni understood better than anyone what it was like coming to terms with your sexuality was like. She didn't expect anything from Shelby but it was like a switch had flipped inside her, all the hate she thought she had stored for Shelby was gone. Like it never even existed.

"Yo, Toni you coming?" Lexa shout watching her friends still seated at the back of the bus. Toni stared at her and then nodded absentmindedly.

Clarke laced their fingers together and then pulled Lexa out of the bus towards the beach. Lexa had never been surfing, she's seen the beach a few times but had never surfed being from Minnesota and all.

"It's so much fun, my Daddy takes my siblings and I surfing every summer." Shelby was saying to whoever would listen.

Lexa prided herself on her intuition so she could 100% tell something was going on between Toni and Shelby but then again she guessed so could everyone else.

They were acting weird, like super weird. Toni hadn't said one bitchy thing about Shelby's rambling all day and Shelby was rambling way more than usual.

Clarke nudged Lexa slightly when they reach d the sand making sure they were out of ear shot. "Hey are Toni and Shelby good?" Clarke asked in a low voice.

Lexa shrugged. "No idea, I walked in on them in the bathroom this morning and I don't know their energy was weird." Honestly Lexa was pretty sure she knew what was up with Toni and Shelby it was pretty obvious but Lexa hadn't felt that comfortable around Shelby since the skate park so even if she wanted to approach it she wasn't really sure how.

"Hey, your all knowing and wise." Clarke nudged her lightly a smile playing in her lips. "Why don't you go talk to her." Lexa nodded slightly plastering a smile on her face. Maybe she would, Lexa was a fixer she liked to fix things for everyone but usually that just led to her over stepping.

Lexa gave Clarkes hand a squeeze. "Good idea I'll talk to her when we get some free time, for now it's time i show you my very awesome surfing skills."

This made Clarke laugh like the throw your head back eyes sparkle laugh. Lexa knew her joke wasn't that funny but she lived for Clarkes laugh, for how beautiful she looked laughing. Her heart felt warm in the moment as they ran out into the sand.

Everyone got into a circle around the instructors as the explained how the day would look. Then they handed out wet suits and everyone quickly put them on ready to get into the water.

Everyone was split into groups and unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Toni and Shelby were put into one and Lexa and Clarke in the other.

"You think they'll be ok?" Clarke asked glancing over at at Toni and Shelby as they shuffled over to their surf boards. Lexa couldn't help but laugh at how big the board was compared to Toni.

"Toni does this thing where she goes soft on the people she cares about." Lexa stated shortly. "Something tells me she'll look out for Shelby."

No surprise Lexa was a complete natural at surfing and it was absolutely hilarious watching Toni suck at it. Every time she fell off the board her head would pop out of the water and she'd slake her first against the water.

Once the surfing we over the teacher told everyone they had until sunset to be back at the bus. Which gave them about 3 hours to themselves.

Toni was sitting alone on the sand at the break of the water. Clarke and Lexa were relaxing on the sand. Lexa's head resting in Clarkes chest. She seriously didn't know if she'd ever been happier in her life.

Lexa picked her head up off Clarkes chest immediately missing the feeling of her chest rising up and down against her head.

Clarke looked down at Lexa curiously. One eye brow lightly raised in question which Lexa found insanely hot.

"I think I'm going to go talk to Shelby." Lexa sort of announced, she knew Clarke wouldn't like it. She knew it probably wasn't a good idea but it was eating her up inside. Shelby was obviously hurting and then inturn hurting Toni and Lexa so desperately wanted to help them both.

As expected Clarke immediately shook her head. "Lexa no, you and I both know that's not a good idea." She said in a steady voice as if she was talking to a little child who was about to jump off a table.

Clarke started at Lexa with a stern look until Lexa finally explained. "Look I know it's probably not the best idea but she's not just hurting herself she's hurting Toni too and I want to help both of them."

Clarkes face softened, then she reached down and cupped Lexa face with her hands bringing the other girl up to eye level with her. "You always want to help everyone but sometimes your help is best given by letting people word it out by themselves." She paused and let her eyes meet Lexa's. "I do however appreciate your nobility in wanting to take care of everyone."

Clarke then pulled Lexa's face every so slightly closer to her own as if daring Lexa to close the gap. She did.

Once they pulled apart Lexa rushed to explain herself again. "I know and O get why your saying about letting people work it out for themselves I just want to give Shelby some advice. You know to..." Lexa paused as if contemplated whether or not to say her next words.

"You know cause I kinda know what she's going through and I just wanna make it easier for her." Lexa who steeped and Clarke nodded bringing Lexa's face closer to her own once again.

"Go on then last time I saw Shelby she was walking over to the rocks over there." Clarke pointed out. Lexa's face broke out into a smile and she planted a quick kiss on Clarkes check before running off in the direction she had pointed out.

Lexa slowly made her way over to the rocks on the other side of the beach. Most of the rocks where ridden around a corner out of site from the rest of the beach. Lexa assumed Shelby would be somewhere around there.

After 5 or so minted of searching Lexa located Shelby and started walking over to her. The girl was sitting just out of site from the beach on the each of the rocks looking over the crashing waves below. Staring out at the sea as if she was hypnotised by it.

"Hey Shelby" Lexa called out waving a hand hoping not to startle the girl. Shelby slowly turned her head to look at Lexa and have her a weak smile.

Once Lexa reached Shelby she placed herself down next to her letting their knees tap slightly to get Shelbys attention. "Can we talk?"

A/N: Sorry my updates are so in consistent but I have to be honest with y'all cause that's what you deserve to quote Shelby I kinda don't have many idea for this fic anymore and since season 2 of the wilds my leatin obsession has consumed my shoni one but cause I love y'all and shoni and clexa I'm going to work really hard to finish this fanfic with a good ending that we all deserve so expect a few more chapters amd more close together hopefully. Thanks for reading <3

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