Three - Tour

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"I don't need a fucking babysitter." Toni said as her and Lexa walk along the car park into their new school for the rest of the year.

"She didn't say babysitter T she said 'buddy'." Lexa reasoned adding air quotes to the last word.

Toni just rolled her eyes. "I looked at her Instagram she looks like a real teachers pet." Toni didn't  like the idea of some teachers pet 'helping' her 'learn the ranks of the school' as Shelby had put it.

The girl who dm Lexa on Instagram informing them that they'd each have a 'buddy' looked like a rich white catholic girl who thought she was so perfect but really she was just as fucked as the rest of the worlds.

"Don't say that to load I think that's her over there." Lexa said nodding her head towards a blond girl who wore a bright smile (a little to bright for Toni's liking.) and was waving them over.

She was standing next to another blonde girl who was holding a stack of books and a pencil case. Toni guessed she was the other 'buddy'.

Lexa and Toni started walking over to the two girls.

"Hi, I'm Shelby and this is Clarke we are the head of student body at Wilds high." The girl said in a thick Texan accent.

Lexa smiled and nodded along whilst Toni stood glaring. Clarke noticed this and spoke next cautiously. "Since your both new to the state and school. The school thought it would be good if you got to know people straight up."

Lexa continued to nod but wasn't really listening she was lost in the blondes eyes they were so blue just like the sky.

Toni on the other hand was just annoyed by this, they didn't need to know people they had each other like always. They were probably just doing this because they are foster kids.

"So we'll be taking you for a tour of the school during the first period then Clarke will take you Lexa to your second period class and I'll take you Toni." Shelby said way to brightly which only annoyed Toni further.

"So that was the buddy thing you were talking about? Clarke will watch out for me you'll watch out for T?" Lexa asked excited that she'll be spending more time with the blonde girl.

Shelby nodded excitedly happy that Lexa seemed open to the idea. "Shall we get started of the tour?" Clarke asked. "It's a big school it might take a while.

All three girls nodded in agreement and walked over to the entrance. Shelby waving at people she knew here and there which again greatly annoyed Toni.


"Ok so this is the main entree to the school then we come through these doors to the lockers." Shelby explained walking them through the entree doors.

"This locker will be yours Lexa." Clarke said as she pointed to locker number 214. Lexa nodded and moved towards the locker. "Here is your lock." Clarke said handing her a lock.

"The code is on the tag make sure you don't forget it or you won't be able to get any of your stuff." Shelby said in a voice that sounded so sweet it had to be fake which infuriated Toni.

"And Toni this is your locker number 210." Shelby said pointing to the locker that was a few down from Lexas. "It's right next to mine." Shelby said excitedly.

Oh god please no Toni thought she couldn't handle being near this girl any longer.

"So down this hall is all the basic classrooms that you'll have your core subjects in. On your timetable the room is labeled and there is a map on the back of your student planner." Clarke explained walking them down the hall.

"Lexa you and I will have our next class in this room which I believe is law study." Clarke said pointing to the room.

The continued walking and the turned down a right hall which looked like it lead to an office. "Here is the principal and vice principals offices as well as the counsellors room." Shelby pointed out.

"If you ever need to see the counsellor your can email them to make an appointment. Don't worry it's very normal for people like yourselves to need to talk to someone at first." Shelby continued.

Something about that sentence really really bothered Toni the way Shelby had said 'people like yourselves' what the fuck was that supposed to mean.

Lexa knew Shelby only meant people who transferred during the year but she also knew Toni would take it the wrong way.

"What do you mean 'people like yourselves'." Toni said angrily talking a step towards Shelby who stayed right where she was.

"You know since you are new and came from a different state and all." Shelby smirked and stepped closer. Pissing Toni off further.

"I'm sure we'll be just fine, meeting new people is easy for people like us." Toni said stepping forward putting an emphasis on the last to words.

Lexa knew exactly where this was going a didn't like it at all. She looked over at Clarke to see if she was looking worried about this but she looked ok so Lexa decided not to intervene yet.

As Lexa looked at the blonde she turned her head to look back at her and their eyes met. Again Lexa was lost in the blue of Clarke's eyes and how beautiful they looked.

Neither of them noticed how close Toni and Shelby had become still somewhat arguing back and forth.

Toni herself hadn't noticed how close she was standing to the Texan girl until it was to late. Shelby said something else but Toni didn't really hear she was flustered by their closeness and the way the other girl smelt.

For a moment Toni noticed Shelby eyes flicker to her lips but then she stepped back feeling awkward and thought nothing more of it.

"I-um yeah." Toni said scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "Should we finish this tour?" Shelby asked just as brightly as before as if she was unfazed by what just happened.

This only annoyed Toni further. Lexa and Clarke both nodded and they continued.

Toni could feel that today was him to be a very long day and she was not excited to be spending most of it with Shelby who somehow infuriated her and flustered her at the same time. She hated her for it.

Lexa on the other hand was super excited about today she would be spending most of it with Clarke and right now she really liked the girl. She thought Clarke was very interesting and pretty.

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