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Lexa was barely listening to Toni as she walked beside her ranting about one thing or another. Toni and Lexa were walking up to the school entrance when Lexa noticed Clarke standing outside the doors. Clarke turned and smiles happily at her, Lexa felt herself fall into a trance. "Please just go kiss her already." Toni groaned. Lexa whacked the back of her head and walked over to Clarke.

"Hey, Clarke." Clarke smiled and waved somewhat shyly at her. "As I was saying before you started heart eyeing. We have to go look at the roster for the basketball team Lexa." Toni teased and Lexa blushed profusely. Clarke only laughed obliviously.

Together the three of them walked down the hall. Clarke and Toni were exchanging snippets of conversation that Lexa couldn't pay attention to as she subconsciously started longingly down at Clarke's lips.

Lexa was broken out of her trance by Toni jabbing her in the ribs. "How does that sound love bird?" Lexa's head snapped around to her she had no idea what she was talking about and gave Toni a confused look. Toni didn't help at all only bursting into a full laugh at her. "Do you wanna go out to the park or field after school." Clarke asked her.

Lexa's eyes lit up and Clarke felt her heat flutter. "It's be kinda cool to get closer outside of school be fire camp." Clarke elaborated with a smile. "Yeah that's be super cool." Lexa nodded.

"Cool so meet at the park on the corner of the main road at like 3?" Clarke asked waiting a moment for Lexa's nod of approval. Lexa nodded and waved good bye to Clarke walking into her first class with Toni.

"Shit did I just commit to that?" Lexa asked realising she was going to meet up with Clarke after school alone. Toni laughed at her taking the seat beside her. Lexa was so in love with Clarke it was funny. "Why am I going to wear?" She asked burying her face in her hands. "Do I stay in what I'm wearing now?"

Lexa looked down at her current tragedy of an outfit. She was wearing a plain white t- shirt, black cuffed mom jeans and ankle high converse. "Wear what your wearing now." Toni said eyeing her. "You look hot." Lexa scoffed and shoved her.

"You have to say that your my personal hype women." Toni threw her head back laughing it was true Lexa and Toni did always hype each other but Lexa also did always look good. "Not true I have immaculate taste and I say you look fucking hot." Toni stated still laughing.

Lexa smirked back at Toni and Toni was sure she was going to have a dig at her thing for Shelby. "I mean yeah Shelby is pretty good looking for a basic white catholic girl." Toni kicked Lexa under the desk right in the shin. Lexa winced slightly and kicked back.

"Shut the fuck up she'll here you." Shelby was in this class with them but luckily she hadn't gotten their yet since Lexa always insisted on being to class insanely early. Again Lexa laughed at Toni. "Does she have super hearing?" Toni just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Toni didn't even have to tell Lexa she liked Shelby -I mean she had just sorta realised herself- and Lexa was already making fun of her.

After a moment their class started. Throughout the entire class Lexa kept looking at her phone smiling like a fucking idiot and Toni was 100% gonna take the shit out of her after class.

After what felt like years of their history teacher talking aimlessly about the Roman Empire the bell to signal class had ended finally rung. "That class felt like it when for a literal fucking century." Toni complained picking up her things.

Lexa looked up from her phone a goofy smile pasted on her face. "Really it felt pretty quick to me." She slightly blushed and looked down. Toni had never seen Lexa this ridiculous before and she can't decide if she wants to barf at it, make fun of me or be happy for her. Probably all except the last.

"Yeah cause you were sexting Clarke." Toni rolled her eyes and chucked. Lexa's eyes widened as she gasped. "I was not!" Lexa punched Toni hard in the arm. "Someone is gonna hear you say that and think it's true you bitch."

Toni laughed harder at how ridiculous her friend was, everyone did it. I mean people would probably choose better people than Clarke Griffin but everyone sexted.

For Lexa the rest of the day sped by until lunch time. She had, had a few classes with Clarke and was now walking down to main hall to meet Toni to see if they had made the basketball team. In 4th period Toni had informed Lexa that Shelby and told her the team list had been put up.

When Lexa and Clarke got to the pin board it was completely surrounded by people. After a minute of searching Lexa spotted Toni in a heated argument with Shelby. Lexa face palmed and laughed at her friend.

Toni was standing very close to Shelby and her eyes kept flicking down to her lips. Shelbys eyes on the other hand were pasted down at Toni's chest.

"So when do you thinking they're gonna stop arguing and make out already?" Clarke asked following Lexa's gaze. At that Lexa burst out laughing.

"Hopefully soon Toni needs some." If she was being honest Lexa needed some to... from Clarke.

Lexa walked over to Toni, kicking her in the back of the knee to gain her attention. "We get in or not?"

"What do you think?" Toni smiled at her smugly. After a moment Clarke nudged her smiling. "I looked at the board, you both got in." She told them smiling. Lexa was super pumped and ready to play. She was also ready for Clarke to see her in the uniform playing but that was different.

For Toni the whole day moved agonisingly slow. Shelby was in all her classes that day and for some reason chose to sit right next to her.

As much as Toni loved the sent of the perfume she wears and her beautiful eyes, long blonde hair and warm smile. Shit Toni just listen way to many good things about Shelby.

The problem was all Shelby wanted to talk about was how well Clarke and Lexa got along which made Toni annoyed, jealous and kinda lonely since Lexa spends more time with Clarke than her these days.

"They get along so well don't you think? I mean they just seem to work. I just don't understand how Clarke and Lexa clicked as soon as they met. I've never seen them fight. Why couldn'-." Toni cut Shelbys jealous rant off with a bitter laugh. Shelby have her a strange look.

"I don't know Shelby maybe it's cause neither of them are annoying self centred bitches." Toni said sarcastically.

Toni turned her head to look at Shelby who's gave showed a hurt expression. Toni wasn't meant to say that she was just fed up. As soon as she had told Shelby Clarke and Lexa were meeting up after school Shelby hadn't shit up about how perfect they are.

"Sorry I just don't want to hear about how fucking perfect my friends life is when mine sucks dick." Toni mumbled. Shelby nodded slightly and looked as in she was chocking back any more words and emotions.

They didn't speak for the rest of the day and Toni was left feeling horrible about it which she hated, it made her just want to scream and punch something but she couldn't.

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