Chapter One:

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That's all Madison can say to the woman in front of her, she has brown hair in braids and a friendly smile. This is Madison's first year working at the sleepaway camp Wicosuta and she will say hi to anyone hoping to make a friend or two. Some woman came over, her name tag clearly displaying the name 'Jess'. Jess came up to both of them. She had a straight ponytail and a tired look to her, they were clearly not the first people she'd talked to that day.

"Oh it's nice to see you've already met!"
She said, looking both of them in the eyes. Madison and the other woman exchange a glance before looking back at Jess in front of them.

"You have met your other co-counselor already right?"
Jess asks before looking up from her pink clipboard to hear their answers. Madison had no idea what was going on, so she just turned to the same girl next to her.

"We? As in, were working together?"
Madison asks, surprised this girl is going to be living with her.

"Yes, you, Emma, and Jill have been chosen to be the counselors of bunk 22 up in the outback." Jess responds, turning back to her pink plastic clipboard and writing something down. Emma, Emma was the name of the girl next to her. It was nice that Madison was going to get to be in a bunk with someone she sorta knew. Who was Jill though? Madison hoped she was nice, Emma seemed nice though.

"Do we go to our bunks to unpack now or later?"
The girl named Emma looked at Jess and then at Madison once again.
Jess hesitantly looked back up at them from her clipboard.

"You can go unpack now, Jill is probably there already, there or outside on the porch swing." Jess finished, looking back down to her clipboard before turning and briskly walking away to a different group of the soon-to-be counselors.

"Do you know where bunk 22 would be?" Madison turned to ask Emma.

"Yeah I think it's in the outback. Over the bridge and up the big hill." Emma responded, pointing in that general direction. It looked far from the basketball courts. Emma started walking with her big bags and Madison followed behind.

"Do you know Jill?" Madison asks, turning her head to face Emma.

"Sorta. She is like- more on the shyer side so yeah." Emma says, shrugging and walking onwards.

Madison says, not knowing how to respond.

Madison was usually the outgoing type, she was an extrovert in almost every way possible. You see, Madison is an Aries, it's in her freaking blood.

Madison and Emma kept walking through the soccer field in order to get to the outback where Madison was told she would find her bunk.

"Are you excited to meet the kids?"
Emma asked, adjusting where her duffel bag strap hung on her shoulder.

"Yeah! Unpacking their stuff sounds pretty cool! It feels a bit stalkerish though."
Madison responded.

"Yeah, we'll get to learn lots about the kids though!"

"Yeah! I hope they like me."

"They will! Relax, it will be fine!"

With one last pull on their trunks, Emma and Madison were up the hill and headed for bunk 22. The bunk looked pretty big, at least bigger than all the other bunks on that hill. The bunk was right behind a big softball field and to the far right of an archery range. There was a wooden swing on the grass right outside the bunk. Sure enough, there was a person on the swing. She was sketching in a purple notebook, her dark black hair tucked behind her ear. One ankle crossed over the other in beat up Nike's. Madison walked up to her.

"Hey, you must be Jill?"
Madison asked, Jill smiled.

"Yeah, that's me."
She said, looking back down at her drawing.

"Whatcha doing?"
Madison asked, noticing Jill's steady hands holding the pencil.

"Your mom."
Jill responded, eyes still focused on her sketch.

Madison laughed to herself and sat down next to Jill.
"That's really pretty! Do you work at the art barn?"

"Mhm, how about you?"
Jill looks up at Madison for the first time.

"Oh, um waterfront."
Madison brushes some of her hair behind her ear. Jill has these soft, luminous brown eyes. They were nice, there was something comforting about them, like a warm fuzzy blanket.

"That's cool." Jill says, pulling Madison out of her trance.

"Y-yeah! Um, I'm gonna go unpack my stuff inside, see you in a bit!"
Madison said heading into the bunk. Jill got back to her drawing of Captain Marvel, her favorite MCU character.

The bunk was even bigger inside! It had the smell of camp! And sweat... There was no AC in the bunks. Emma's stuff looked to have begun being unpacked, There were piles of clothing in her shelves and her bed was already covered in her sheets. There was a riding helmet next to her bed, Emma was a horse girl. Madison scanned the room, it was big! They're were 7 bunk beds scattered evenly along the walls, and across from the door was a bathroom. All the kids shelves were empty and it felt weird. Sorta nice though too, a clean slate. Madison was going to get to spend a summer far away from all the drama at home, she felt free. She was looking around at all the beds, trying to see which one was hers.

"Oh Madison your bed is over here," Emma directed her, she nodded and followed, stifling back a yawn.

Madison threw her trunks down next to her bed and sighed. She climbed up the ladder on the side of the bed and flopped down into the hard mattress. She hadn't quite put on sheets or a pillow yet but it was fine, she just needed to lay down. She hadn't realized just how tired she was. It was totally fine to take a 20 minute nap, it wasn't like anything could happen. Besides, waterfront training had her waking up at six and swimming laps for most of the day, when else would she get to sleep? Madison closed her eyes, and let herself doze off, it wasn't going to be for that long, so what was the harm?

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