Chapter Two:

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"Wake up! We gotta start unpacking the kids' stuff Madison!"
Emma said, shaking her awake.

"Yeah, got it okay, mhm" Madison said, groaning and looking at her watch.

"Really, Jess is coming soon!"
Emma said, pointing at the window on the door,

"She said she would come check in on us and we have to be ready!"

"Yeah I'm getting up." Madson said, sitting up and wiping her eyes, she hadn't realized just how tired she was.

Madison climbed down on the ladder on the side of the bed and turned to Emma.

"Where's Jill? Shouldn't she be here?"

"Yeah, she's grabbing some of the kids' bags, did you meet her?"

"Yeah! Jill seems nice! She's pretty funny, how well do you know her?"

"Not a ton, I met her at orientation, she was with this girl, Kaitlin I think her name was? I don't really remember much, just she was sitting in the corner with Kaitlin and some other people that work in the art barn."
Emma says, putting the last of her stuff down.

"Should I go help grab bags?"

"Umm, yeah I guess you can, the Agawan bags are in the gym right now."
Emma said, putting the last of her stuff away.

"Yeah, got it, thanks!"
Madison said, closing the door behind her as she pulled into a jog, if she was fast enough, maybe she could catch Jill and they could walk back together.

Madison turned into the gym, just in time to see Jill carrying two big duffel bags, both were blue with the name 'Marin' in fine print along the sides.

"Oh hey Jill! I'm, Madison by the way,  I don't think I told you before."

"You're cool," Jill responded, "I mean, you weren't Emma so you had to be Madison."

"Yeah, you knew that. Logic, duh!"

Madison replied, internally punching herself in the gut. Who says logic, duh? Oh god, she must think I'm an idiot! Madison thought, of course she knew that I'm Madison! Madison started laughing to herself in hopes of making the situation better. She turned and walked into the gym before she could make the moment even more awkward.

Jill started walking with her bags. Madison seemed nice, a little dorky, but it was cute.

Looking around, Madison didn't see any bags with familiar names, heck, she didn't even remember the kids' names! But if she wanted to walk with Jill, she had to find one as soon as possible! She darted until she found two bags with the name Ela, spelled with only one L. Madison picked up both bags, surprised at how heavy they were. With a bag in each arm, Madison started out the door, not running, but slightly jogging a bit to catch up with Jill.

Madison started walking alongside Jill as she walked past the dining hall about to cross the bridge. Walking next to her, Madison saw Jill had a red butterfly tattoo on her arm, it was sorta hot. Wait stop- this is Madison's co-worker, she's not allowed to be hot!

"I like your butterfly tattoo." Madison said, walking up the path to their bunk with Jill.

"Oh, thanks! Yeah I got this one a few years ago, thought it looked cool."

"Any importance to it? Like does it mean something?"

"No, I just liked it." Jill responded, looking up at Madison. Madison had these bouncy blonde locks, they bounced behind her as she walked, they looked soft. Jill wanted to braid it.

"Oh that's cool!" Madison responded.

Finally, they approached the bunk. Madison opened the door, and Jill walked inside, Madison following her in. Emma wasn't there.

And They Called it... JillisonWhere stories live. Discover now