Chapter Three:

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Once the three counselors had finished unpacking all of the bags, they had an hour before dinner. Emma had decided to take a shower. While Emma was in the shower, Madison climbed up onto her bed, leaning back on her pillow but sitting up. Jill was knotting her strings to start making a friendship bracelet. Madison grabbed the journal from the shelf next to her bed and started to write in it.


I unpacked kids bags today. It was nice, I found some pretty interesting stuff! Gabby sounds like she will be fun to meet, I unpacked a ouija board from her bag! Emma, Jill and I almost tried it! I got to know Jill a little better, she's really cool! Her style reminds me of Elyse's a little while ago. I still can't believe I get to meet the kids tomorrow! Walking with Jill was nice, she has a red butterfly tattoo on her arm, its really cool! Turns out Jill and Emma both know how to use a ouija board! This is really going to be a great-

"Hey Madison, what time is it?"

Emma asked, walking out of the shower in a robe with a towel wrapped around her hair.

Madison looked down at her watch, it was almost broken, it was four minutes behind.

"Five forty seven." Madison said, Emma nodded, grabbed some clothes off her shelf and walked back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Jill grabbed her phone from the shelf next to her, after making sure the time was right, she opened up Snapchat.

"Hey Madison, what's your snap?"

Jill asked, her heart was beating much faster but she tried to play it cool.

Madison looked up, picked her phone up from next to her and checked for herself.

"Madi_the_baddi , I made it when I was in middle school."

Madison responded, Jill chuckled to herself, typing the name into the search bar and clicked on the add button when Madison popped up.

Madison added Jill back within seconds.

Emma came out of the shower fully clothed with drying hair.

Jill climbed out of her bunk bed and after grabbing her towel and clothes, she went into the bathroom to shower. The bathroom was okay, it was better than Jill had expected. The water was surprisingly a nice temperature, even though the water pressure sucked.


Emma, Madison, and Jill had crossed the bridge and were now walking to the dining hall together. There was a long line to the entrance, so the three counselors walked to the back of the line. A taller counselor came up and waited behind them.

"You guys are agawan counselors too right?"

Emma turned and Jill and Madison stopped chattering to turn and start conversation.

"Yeah, bunk 22! Which bunk are you?" Emma responded.

"I'm bunk 21. Oh I'm Katie by the way!"

"Cool! I'm Emma, this is Madison and Jill." Emma responded, gesturing to Madison and Jill behind her.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you guys! Are you excited to meet the Agawans coming tomorrow?"

"Mhm, there's a few kids i'd love to meet after the stuff I unpacked of theirs!" Madison said, stepping forward a little.

"What did they have?"

"A book on psychology, a ouija board, a giant squishimal," Emma started.

"One girl had 3 dartboards and a cat noir body pillow!" Jill said.

And They Called it... JillisonWhere stories live. Discover now