Chapter Six:

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Jill opened the closet door and let out a heavy sigh. It has only been one day, and she was already tired.

It was the last activity of the day, and it was painting, which meant getting back to the bunk MUCH later because of all of the mess. Okay, maybe not THAT much later, but Jill wanted to lay down on her bed for a while, pick up where she left off of Twilight!

Jill grabbed the old Starbucks cup full of paintbrushes, and slammed the closet door shut. Jill gently placed the cup on the table, before spinning around and grabbing a fat stack of paper. Jill distributed the paper evenly among each table before walking back to the closet and reaching for the watercolors.

The watercolors were on the highest shelf of the wooden closet, and Jill was still struggling to reach it. A hand reached up and clutched the watercolors right where Jill was reaching for. Jill spun around to see a bright eyed Kaitlin in front of her, passing the watercolors to her. Jill smiled and shook them in her hand while she put one on each table. Kaitlin smiled. "Hey Jill, when's your first off day?"

"Friday." Jill replied, looking at the clock.

"Nice! Got any plans?" Kaitlin crossed her arms, leaning on the nearest table. Jill paused, considering her answer. To be frank, she hadn't really thought about it. Jill shrugged, looking at the door, expecting kids to bust in at any moment.

"I'm not sure, maybe I'll read."

Kaitlin walked forward and sat down next to Jill on the table.

"Reading's no fun! You should join me and Charlotte! We're going to spend a day on the beach." Charlotte and I. Jill mentally corrected her. Charlotte and I.

The door bust open with a thud and 10 kids poured into the room. Jill noticed one kid in particular, Emily. This was Jill's bunk. The kids dispersed themselves into tables before erupting into roaring chatter. After about a minute or two, Jill looked at Kaitlin who gave her the thumbs up to start. Turning to the front of the room, Jill started her welcome speech for the last time that day.

"Um hi. My name is Jill and that's Kaitlin over there."

"We know!" One of the kids called out.

Jill cleared her throat before getting back to it.

"Respect the materials, and your friends-"

"We've already heard this today! Respect everything and people and clean up and don't make a mess WE GET IT!" One girl yelled.

Jill sighed before deciding to trust them and just let them paint.

"Yeah that's about it I guess. Just please don't make too big of a mess."

"Yeah great okay got it!" Jenny said. Wait maybe it wasn't Jenny. Which one was the one with the short blonde hair? Jill decided she would find out later.

Jill went to sit down at one of the tables, it was the only table at a reasonable tone. The watercolor paintings were a range from a beach view to a bunny. The beach view reminded Jill of Kaitlins offer. Jill thought that Emma was free that day, she'd ask her to join them. Or better, Kaitlin could ask her. Emma had seemed VERY curious about Kaitlin recently. Jill looked back at the table, pausing on what looked to be a sign reading 'CULT WICO'.

"What's the story behind the cult wico?" Jill asked, turning her attention to the short brunette hovering above the painting.

"Wico is a CULT!"

A different girl at the table said, getting nods from the rest of the table as well.

"Oh, then do you like it here?"

The short brunette looked back up at her.

"Yeah I love it here. I like the activities and my friends and just all of it."

The girl went back to her painting, adding swirls in each corner, each a different hue.

The opposite table smiled as Jill sat down with them, the redhead camper with the earring was painting this beautiful image, it had depth and shadows and Jill was low-key impressed!

"Hey that's really cool. Do you, like, do art or something?"

Jill asked, aiming her attention at the remarkable composition in front of her.

"Thanks, yeah! I take a few classes here and there, mostly it's just practice."

The camper had these clear glasses. They went so well with the camper's earring and mullet! Jill hoped that the camper would be in more of her art classes.

Sand went flying with every thud of a footstep while Madison ran. The noise was wretched as the fin was dragged along the rocks in the water. Some girl was damaging the fin of a stand up paddle board and it was Madison's job to intervene.


The whistle blew and the girl looked up and froze. Madison skidded to a halt and flipped the paddle board over.

"Hey you can't do that. No. Okay?"

Madison told the girl. The weight barley shifted as the girl tried to help her lift the board back to the shore, it wasn't very helpful, but Madison appreciated the effort.

Emma wiped a bead of sweat off of her forehead as she walked towards the dining hall, her riding boots kicking dust in every direction.

As she walked through the big door, she paused to look at the big clock on the wall, then at her watch, and then back at the clock. Her watch was 3 minutes off, so she moved to fix it. Emma twisted the tiny notch too far forward, and then too far back, and then finally she could set it. She clicked the small button on the side, before realizing that it was never going to work again. 

Marin ran out of the bunk, crazy creek swinging at her side. Arabella followed close behind her, screaming the 'Winaukee song' at the top of her lungs while Emma chased after her telling her to stop. Ela then proceeded to join in, adding a line of her own to the mix. Lily skipped up to join them, Sabrina hummed along, not wanting to get into trouble for singing it. 

And They Called it... JillisonWhere stories live. Discover now