New Home 3

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Your POV

     Sebastian knocks on the door three times a detached come-in calls from the other side of the door. Inside there is a neat office except for the papers scattered on the front desk. 

     "This is becoming...troublesome. Now I will ask you one more time who are you and why were you unconscious on my front step?" the blue-haired boy asked. Why can't he relax?! I grit my teeth and furrow my brow. 

     "Well for starters I'm Y/N L/N."

Ciel POV

     I don't remember ever hearing that name but at the same time, her name sounds familiar.

      "...And my home was attacked. I don't know who did it but it was attacked. They just started shooting and stabbing. I just ran and kept running until I fainted here. I don't know who you are or where this place is if that's what you really wanted to know anyway." 

      Sebastian looked at me and whispered in my ear, "Young lord I feel compelled to inform you that I don't believe this girl is human. Frankly, I don't know what she is." If she is not a human what could she be? A demon? An angel? Whatever she is, she can be useful. Plus I do need something to do in my free time. 

      "You can stay here", I announced.

Your POV

      S-stay here?! Well, I guess I don't have anywhere else to go. Plus something is off with that butler guy. Perhaps we are the same in some way or maybe he knows what I am. He did say something about me being a demon earlier. 

      "Of course, you would have to work as a maid. You won't be staying here without doing any work," the blue-haired boy continued. 

      "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself I am Ciel Phantomhive the Earl of this manor, and here to my right is my butler Sebastian. From here on out you will refer to me as master and you can refer to Sebastian as whatever...Anyway, it's getting late Sebastian will show you to the servant's quarters where you will be staying." Sebastian bows and leaves the room. I hurriedly curtsy and rush out after him. Sebastian leads me down a long hallway until we reach a long wooden door. 

      "This is where you will be staying Miss L/N," Sebastian said while pointing his hand towards the door.

      "Oh, you can just call me Y/N. How should I refer to you?" I politely asked. 

      "You may call me whatever you wish whether it's Sebastian or not," Sebastian replied.

       " thank you. Goodnight Sebastian," I said.

       "Goodnight Y/N," Sebastian said. I closed the door and jumped onto the bed. I was exhausted. So many things happened so fast. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Sebastian POV

      I looked at my young master and confirmed, "So I should go there tonight?" 

      "Yes look there for any clues. I want to gather as much information as I can," Ciel demanded. 

      "Should I tell Y/N if I find anything?" Sebastian asked.

      "No, tell me first then I will decide," Ciel grumbled. 

      "Yes my lord," Sebastian replied leaving the office.

Hope you enjoyed :))))

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