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Your POV

      Ciel sat beside me in the carriage while the hybrid sat in front of us handcuffed and blindfolded. 

      " you think we could take the blindfold off," I whispered to Ciel. 

      Ciel blushed then stuttered while looking away, "Y-yes d-do as you wish." I carefully took the blindfold of the hybrid. 

      He stayed silent for a moment then his eyes widened when he saw me, "Y-your from that time."

      "What time?" I asked. 

      "You stole from our stall then ran off with some blond hair boy," He explained. Ciel looked at me partially confused and partially angry. 

      "Oh...yeah...sorry about that and thanks for letting me go," I said. 

      "O-Oh...y-yeah no problem," he flushed. 

       Ciel glared at him then hissed, "What's your name and explain how you got into that auction." He looked around nervously and began fidgeting with his fingers. 

       "Is something wrong?" I asked. 

        "I-I...don't know what to tell you. I can't say much," he answered. 

       "What do you MEAN you can't say much?" Ciel snapped. He didn't answer and continued to look around nervously. 

       "It's okay you can trust us. I'm like you," I said while popping out my ears and tail. 

       He looked at me shocked for a moment then responded, "Okay...well my name is Luther. I have been half-wolf as long as I can remember. I-I...I...don't know how I got into that auction."

     "Do you have any idea?" Ciel asked. 

     Luther looked hesitant for a moment then answered, "No."

Ciel POV

      The carriage suddenly stopped in front of a forest. 

      "Why are we here?" Y/N whispered to me while we stepped out of the carriage. 

      "We are here to kill him," I answered. 

      "What?! No! We can't just kill an innocent person," Y/N exclaimed. 

      I sighed then replied, "We need to kill him. One for the Queen and two because I don't trust him. He seems to be hiding something that he is afraid to mention." 

      Y/N squeezed my hand then pleaded, "Please don't do this at least let him stay with us for a little while." I blushed. How can I say no when she is pleading. 

      "Fine," I said. I looked over to Sebastian and gestured for him to enter the carriage. We all entered the carriage and sat quietly till we got back to the hotel. I just hope I won't regret this.

Your POV

      "Master we still only have one room booked in this hotel. Where will Luther be staying?" Sebastian asked. 

      "He can sleep in the carriage," Ciel answered. "He can't! How about he sleeps on the couch in my hotel room?" I asked. 

      "He can't do that either that's where I'm staying tonight. Plus I don't trust a random man I have only known for less than an hour with you!" Ciel argued. 

      "Yes but you don't have to sleep and he is wearing handcuffs! Plus I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" Y/N yelled. 

       "Why are you being so difficult I...fine. Do whatever you want. See if I care!" Ciel fumed while leaving the room. 

        "Umm...I'm sorry for all the trouble," Luther said. 

        "It's...fine," I replied. 

        "I'm sorry you had to watch us fight," I added. 

        "It's okay he seems to really care for you," Luther sighed. 

        "I don't know about that. He already has someone," I answered. I looked over to see Sebastian leaving the room to go after Ciel.

Sebastian POV

      I looked around outside then eventually found my master sitting on a concrete step behind the hotel. I then stood beside him. My master has been expressing his emotions more and more. During my time serving him, I have never expected something like this to occur. 

      "It seems like all Y/N and I do is argue. I just can't stand that Luther boy. I saw the way he looked at Y/N in that carriage. I know that look all too well because I do the same damn look. I hate feeling so...vulnerable," Ciel sighed. 

      "Perhaps this is the way Y/N feels for you. Y/N seems to like you more than you know. If you would just work towards expressing yourself your fights might not happen as often," I suggested. Ciel sat there for a while thinking. 

      "Master we should go back to the lobby we are leaving in the morning. It's best that you have energy for tomorrow," I said. 

      "Whatever," Ciel replied while walking towards the hotel entrance.

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