Be Alamred 34

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Your POV

      We all meet at the entrance of the manor preparing for the confrontation ahead. It was a foggy day just like the one where I ran away.

      "Y/N how far is the William's manor?" Ciel asked. 

      "Not too far. It's just in the middle of the woods. If we keep going straight we will end up there," I answered. 

      "Good, it's best that we travel on foot. As long as we are careful it will make less noise than going there in a carriage plus I don't even think the carriage will be able to travel through such a thick forest. This will also give us the advantage of the element of surprise," Ciel explained. 

      "Master I know of a shortcut which will take us there faster," Sebastian commented.

      "A shortcut? Have you been there before?" I asked. 

      "Yes, he has. Sorry for not telling you at the time. I didn't trust you then so...anyway that's no excuse I should have at least mentioned it now that we are lovers. I asked him to investigate the William's manor when we first met. He found a gold pocket watch which was most likely Claud's," Ciel said. 

       "It's fine...just from now on let's not keep secrets from each other," I answered. Ciel nodded as he smiled and took my hand stepping closer to me. He gently caressed my cheek and then slowly leaned in.

       "Sorry to ruin the mood but the sun is setting we should probably get going," Luther interrupted. 

       "I guess it can't be helped. Let's save our kiss for when we come back," Ciel teased. I smiled and blushed while letting go of his hand. Ciel let out a soft chuckle. 

Ciel POV

      To my surprise, Sebastian picked me up and help me in a childish position. 

      "I'm a demon now I will be able to catch up! Don't put me in such an embarrassing position in front of Y/N," I whispered. Sebastian smiled and put me down. He then began to enter the forest straying away from the marked-out path leading into the forest. We walked around aimlessly for a while with only Sebastian knowing the way. Eventually, I could see the manor in the distance. I put my hand on my revolver getting ready for any surprise attacks. I doubt Henry knows we are here but one can never be too careful. 

       "Luther can you lead us to the entrance," Y/N asked. 

       "Yes I can it's in the forest area behind the remnants of the William's manor," Luther answered. We walked to the forest behind the burnt-down manor. Luther dusted off the ground revealing a trap door. 

      "I've lived here for two years and I have never seen this or known about this," Y/n said. Sebastian went down first to scope the area for any threats. I followed after carefully climbing down the ladder. Y/N and Luther came down after me. We all stood there in the dimly lit white room. 

      "This is it," Luther said as his voice echoed through the empty room. 

Henry POV

      "Sir it seems that we have guests," black informed. 

      "Yeah, I guess your right! Send out all the fully functioning hybrids I want to see how well Y/N has evolved," Henry responded. 

      "Sir don't take this the wrong way but are you sure? That's more than half of the subjects we have and we would lose a lot of profit in the process if they are injured or killed in battle," Black explained. 

       "Of course I'm sure. Either kill them or bring them to me. We have someone coming tomorrow who plans on buying one of my hybrids so we need time to prepare," Henry ordered. Black nodded then bowed. 

Your POV

      We all cautiously walk down the halls looking around. 

      "It's kind of weird that the lights are dimmed like this. They're usually completely off at this time," Luther commented. 

       "We should be more careful then," Sebastian said. Suddenly a loud voice echoed through the room Cages unlocked. All fully functioning hybrids report to the main entrance. Bright red lights flashed and sirens went off. 

      "That can't be good," I whispered. 

      "Not good is an understatement. The fully functioning hybrids are the new models which are faster and strong. In other words, we're screwed," Luther explained. 

      "We should retreat for now," Ciel suggested. As we turned around to leave, hybrids of all different species, shapes, and sizes came crashing through tinted windows and doors while others flew in. 

      I looked at the scene astonished as I whispered, ""

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