A Daze 7

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Sebastian POV

      I knock on my master's door three times. I stood and waited for a "come in" but I never heard one. 

      I slowly opened the door to make sure my master was safe. When I opened the door all I saw was my master sitting on his chair reading and signing documents. Ciel looked up at me for a moment and looked back down. 

      "Young lord, Y/N seems to be healing at a fast rate she will be fine by tomorrow. I also thought I should add that the top window in the library was open the person who pushed down the bookshelf most likely came in through there," I told Ciel while pouring him a cup of Earl Grey. Ciel continued to stare at his documents.

      "Young lord I suggest that you drink this cup of tea you haven't eaten or drank anything since yesterday," I continued. 

      "I don't need anything!" Ciel snapped while knocking over the cup of tea. I kneeled down and began to clean up the spilled tea. 

      "Young lord it seems that Y/N's injuries are affecting you more than you would like to admit," I claimed. 

      Ciel glared down at me and hissed, "Things like this happen when you let people get too close to you." 

      I opened my mouth to say something but was quickly interrupted by Ciel, "I'm fine see I'm smiling."

Ciel POV

      Sebastian stared at me with wide eyes then sighed and took the tea and tray. 

      "Wait, before you go. When she wakes up watch her," I added. Sebastian nodded and left the room. I sighed and continued to read letters and sign documents.

Your POV

      I slowly opened my eyes. I had a splitting headache then suddenly my ears and tail popped out. 

      Sebastian opened the door and looked at me. 

      "This isn't what it looks like," I said trying my best to tuck my tail out of sight. Sebastian approached me and reached out his hand. He blushed and began fluffing and combing my ears. 

      "Um... Sebastian?" I said staring up at him in confusion. 

    "Oh uhh yes?" He replied removing his hand as he cleared his throat. 

      "Please don't tell Master," I begged.

      "I won't. So is this what you are?" Sebastian asked. 

      "Yes...but I don't think I'm fully...cat. I don't think cats heal the way I do. I feel like there is still another part of me that I don't fully understand or know how to use," I explained. 

      I sat up from the bed and said to Sebastian, "I should go see how Ciel is doing." 

     Sebastian looked at me and said, "Master is very busy right now plus we have the ball in two days that we have to prepare for." I look down at my lap and nodded slowly. For some reason, I felt kind of...sad. Sebastian bows and leaves the room. 

      I leave the room and head towards the library. It's probably a stupid idea but I need to see if I can find any clues. I might be able to find out who was trying to hurt Ciel and find some books. 

      I go to the bookshelf that fell last time. I didn't notice it at the time but it smells familiar. I guess since I'm apparently part cat I have a good sense of smell. My ears and tail are still out so I try to concentrate to pop them back in. I close my eyes but nothing works. I try again and it finally works. It's getting harder and harder for me to control my ears and tail. I begin to look around the library for books and when I find nothing that catches my eye I head back to my room.

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