Duty 28

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Your POV

      The next morning we all rode back to the Phantomhive manor. Things were still awkward between me and Ciel. I might have been too harsh. 

      "Y/N!" May-Rin yelled. 

      "Huh? Oh yes?" I said. 

      "I have been trying to get your attention this whole time. What were you thinking about? Was it Ciel!" May-Rin teased. 

      "I wasn't thinking anything...okay...I was thinking about him..." I admitted. 

      "Is something wrong?" May-Rin asked. 

      "Well you already know Ciel and I fight a lot. We got into a fight again and I just...Things have been awkward," I explained. 

      "Master doesn't really show his emotions. I don't even think he knows how to. If you just sit here and don't tell him how you feel you'll be waiting forever. SO grab him and give him the biggest smooch," May-Rin teased. 

      "I-I could never do that!" I flushed, "He has a fiance anyway and I have already said my feelings like a million times." 

      "That's true. I guess you will just have to win him over!" May-Rin chuckled. 

      "No way!" I laughed flinging the wet cloth at May-Rin. I hear footsteps coming towards us. I look over to see Luther approaching us. 

      "Good morning Luther," I said. 

      "Good morning Y/N," he smiled. 

      May-Rin moved closer to me and whispered, "Looks like you have a love triangle. Wolf boy and the young master." 

      "Were just friends May-Rin," I whispered back. 

      "Ha! Like I haven't heard that one before," May-Rin giggled.

      "Um is everything okay?" Luther asked. 

      "Oh yeah...I was just um...telling May-Rin that I'll show you around," I stammered. Luther nodded and smiled. I walk around the manor with Luther showing him everything like the kitchen, sleeping quarters, and dining room. We went outside for the last stop of our tour.

       "Looks like we finished our tour," I said. 

       "Thanks for showing me around," Luther replied. Luther looked at me for a moment then removed a leaf from the top of my head. His hand rested there for a moment then he blushed and pulled his hand away. 

      "Umm...sorry about that...there was just a leaf on your head. I should have asked you if I could take it," Luther flushed. 

      "It's fine...thanks," I replied.

       Ciel walked towards us and hissed, "It's time for my brunch. Luther since Sebastian has already taught you some basic things I want you to be the one to make my tea."

Ciel POV

      As we walked over to the outdoor dining table Y/N whispered to me, "Why are you asking him to make tea for you? You don't need to eat or drink?" I don't even know why I'm asking him.

     I thought for a moment then answered, "So he doesn't suspect anything and to test how useful he is as a butler." Y/N looked at me confused, shrugged, then continued walking alongside me. I sat down at the table waiting for my tea. Y/N stood beside me thinking about something. I realize I still haven't said anything about our argument. I should just keep my distance from her eventually she will give up on me, we will go back to our normal lives, and I'll marry Elizabeth. It sounds so easy but I can't bear the idea that she would fall in love with someone else. I'm so selfish that I want to follow my duty but I also want Y/N to myself. 

      "Here's your tea Ciel, "Luther said while placing the tea on the table. 

      "While you're living in my manor you will call me master," I hissed. Luther nodded then stirred the tea. Once he was finished I picked it up and took a sip. 

      "It tastes disgusting. Its similarity to colored water is astonishing," I snapped while throwing the tea away splashing some on Luther. 

      He winced in pain and whispered," S-sorry..."

      "Ciel! What's wrong with you!" Y/N yelled while running over to Luther. Those words stung more than I expected. They only fueled my rage. I took one more glare and stormed off.

Your POV

      "I'm so sorry Luther. Ciel is a bit moody but he isn't normally like this. He has his sweet sides," I said. 

      "Don't worry it's not your fault. I'm fine anyway I'm a wolf hybrid I heal quickly," he assured. I don't know what's going on with Ciel maybe I should talk with him. Even so, I need to cool down first I might yell again I'll just talk with him tomorrow.

Your POV (It's now nightfall)

      I changed into comfortable sleepwear and lay in bed. My mind was filled with Ciel. He can be so immature sometimes but...I guess I can be too. 

Sebastian POV

      Children can be so immature sometimes with their constant fights and petty arguments. I sighed and left my master's bedroom. Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from outside. I looked outside to see a figure approaching the manor. Once again I must stop an oncoming threat. I jumped out the window and landed quietly on the grass. The figure shocked fell down landing on their behind. I took a closer look at the figure to see that it was Luther. 

A/N (Just wanted to let you know I won't be posting tomorrow. ANYWAY cya :)

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