His Diary 44

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Your POV

      "Wait...um...what?" I responded.   

      Sebastian sighed then elaborated, "Remember that book I gave you?" 

      "Oh my gosh, it's the book Claud stole and the one Henry was reading!" I exclaimed. 

      "Seems like it," Ciel added. Sebastian passes me the book as I still sat down shocked. He turns around and then quietly glides out of the room. 

      "Are you okay?" Ciel asked. 

      "Erm...yeah," I responded. I took a deep sigh then carefully flipped the book over to its first page.

"July 17, 1887

      This is my first entry in this diary. I also made one for your brother (he is 13 now) but he hasn't even opened it. Hopefully, once you are older and you know how to read you'll actually look at it. Right now you're in your mother's womb you're expected to be born in a month or two we are excited for your arrival..."

I smile then turn another several pages over.

"August 28, 1887

      I haven't written this diary for quite some time. Sorry future Y/N. We chose Y/N for your name. The three of us all wanted you to have a certain name so we just compromised and somehow merged them all together..."

I laughed. 

      "What are you laughing about," Ciel smiled. 

      "They merged my names together." 

      "Who's they?" Ciel asked. 

      "Well apparently I have an older brother and a talkative father," I answered.

"September 4, 1887

      You're finally home! Your uncle(well we call him your uncle) Henry came over to see you. He played with you a bit. I don't think he will admit it but he definitely has taken a liking to you. You're a loud crier though but you're so cute and adorable. Even your brother who is usually distant has warmed up to you. You two are practically inseparable. You also stop crying as soon as he holds you. I don't know why you cry when I hold you though :,)"

      I tense up a bit reading the word 'Henry' and then flip a little closer to the end of the diary wanting to know more about myself when I was younger.

"May 7, 1888 

      Your mother and brother are currently abroad but she's coming back home in a few weeks though. I believe she is coming home on May 29. While she was away I have been working on a children's novel about a black raven. You see the story is about a raven that doesn't have friends because everyone thinks he brings death and misfortune but in the end using his wisdom he saves all the other birds in the sky. Your first word just so happened to be "sky." Unusual for a baby, but it's probably my fault because I read the draft of my book to you every night..."

      "Wow, my first word was sky," I laughed. 

      "So your first word was my name. I guess we were destined to meet," Ciel teases. 

      "Close enough I guess," I replied. I flip to the last page noticing that it's blank then I flip a few pages back until I see text.

"May 10, 1888

      Sorry I haven't written anything in this diary for the past few days. I just have had some complications with your uncle. I will need some time to calm down..."

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