The Auction 26

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Your POV

      It hurts. It really hurts every time. Pretty girls like Elizabeth come up to Ciel flirt and touch him it hurts. It makes me sad and also angry. Angry at Elizabeth and Ciel. Why can't Elizabeth love someone else why can't I love someone else? Why did I have to fall for Ciel or why couldn't I have met Ciel before he got engaged? Everything I love disappears. I flopped onto my bed and continued to cry into my pillow. I need to somehow get over him.

Ciel POV

      I don't really understand relationships. I love Elizabeth but only as family. I never really wanted to admit and I never understood it till now but I'm only really still engaged to Elizabeth out of a sense of duty. Whenever I'm around Y/N I blush and I can't think straight. My hands get sweaty and I feel happy being around her especially when she smiles. It feels like my heart wants to explode when I hold her hand and I find myself staring at her more than I should but I am not able and I do not know the proper way to convey my feelings in words. I think this is what love is. With Elizabeth, I don't feel the same. I want Elizabeth to be safe and well but I don't react the same. If Y/N really feels the same way I do...I need to tell her how I feel. 

Sebastian POV 

      I opened the lobby door and approached my young master. 

      "Good Evening my lord, we should start getting ready for the auction," I said. 

Your POV

      I put on one of the old dresses Ciel bought me. I wiped my tears and washed my face to get rid of any evidence that I was crying. I put on a black mask and walked down to the lobby to see Sebastian and Ciel waiting for me. We enter the carriage and I notice Ciel constantly staring at me. Maybe it's because I ran out on our fun day earlier today. I continued to stare out the window like always. I wonder if the person being sold in this auction has any information on the lab or whoever this Henry guy is. We arrived at Lord Hubert's manor. We then exited the carriage and followed the crowd around the manor to an underground stairwell. We sat down in the back row waiting for the auction to start. A few minutes later a man wearing a white mask appears on stage and introduces himself. 

      "Now that we are done with the introductions we will begin the auction. There will also be a surprise item!" the man cheered. The queen sent Ciel a list of the order of the auction items beforehand. The first item was an expensive-looking necklace. 

      "The first item we have here tonight is a rose necklace only 10 of its kind featuring a rare ruby starting at 1000," the auctioneer cheered.  

      A woman in the front row yelled, "1050!"

     Another person yelled, "1150!"

     A person from the back row yelled, "1550!"

     Everyone turned around and looked at the person in shock. I could see the person smirk satisfied with their bid and attention. 

     "Going once, going twice, sold for 1550!" the auctioneer hollered. There were seven or eight items after like rings, necklaces, pottery, and earrings. Eventually, I hear something big roll slowly onto the stage. There on stage was a cage covered with a white cloth. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ciel sit up in his seat and stare fixated on the box rolling onto the stage. 

     "This is it," Ciel whispered. 

     "Now for our special item a wolf, human hybrid!" The auctioneer smirked. 

     The crowd began to whisper and turn to each other. A man removed the cloth covering the cage to reveal a young boy around my age chained and blindfolded with his ears and tail twitching. 

      "Oh my god...this is horrible," I whispered. The boy looked familiar like I met him somewhere. I felt a strong blow to my heart seeing another person being sold like merchandise.  Like property.

      "Starting at 400,000," the auctioneer yelled. The crowd stayed silent for a moment then a voice yelled 420,000. Then another said 440,000. Then another said 460,000. People continued to call one after another till it reached 610,000. The crowd stayed silent.   

     "Is that all? This will be the first humanoid ever sold! They contain unimaginable power among other properties!"

 The crowd broke out once again whispering when suddenly a man from the front of the VIP section yelled, "800,000!"No one dared to make a bet larger than that...except for Ciel. 

      Ciel calmly yelled, "900,000!" 

      The man from the VIP Section bit his lower lip then fumed, "1,100,000." The crowd gasped. 

      Ciel rolled his eyes then said, "2,500,000." Heads turned to stare at Ciel probably wondering who he was. What connections he had. How someone could throw away that much money. I could see the obvious defeat, disappointment, and burning rage the man in the VIP section was feeling. 

      "This would have been more fun if we just took him ourselves instead of sitting through this whole bloody auction," Ciel hissed. I stared at Ciel wondering how he calmly just said 2,500,000. The auction finished and we went backstage to retrieve the hybrid. 

Sorry I haven't uploaded for a few days I've been sick but I made this chapter longer to somewhat make up for the days I've missed ;( but I'm good now. Anyway cya hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to post tomorrow if I can ;).

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