Ciel's ball {End} 46

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Your POV

      Chattering and footsteps fill the hall as I walk towards the ballroom door. 

      "Hello~" a voice greeted me from behind. I jump in surprise. Quickly, I turned around and see Grell floating in front of me. 

      "What are you" I asked. 

      Grell wipes the 'tears' from her eyes and sniffles, "I'm hurt that I wasn't invited, but I knew that I had to come anyway when I heard about the party. Just think that Sebastian would be wearing a different suit and I would miss such a beautiful sight." Grell continued to squirm in excitement.

      "Ah...I see. I um...understand as long as no one is dying," I awkwardly responded. I awkwardly chuckled then continue down the hall. Not a moment later, I enter the hall.

      I enter the hall and notice May-Rin, Bard, Finny, Luther, and Adelaide all huddled up in a crowd next to the drinks

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      I enter the hall and notice May-Rin, Bard, Finny, Luther, and Adelaide all huddled up in a crowd next to the drinks. I walk over to the group. 

       "Hey, guys! Is Ciel here yet?" I asked. 

       "No, he is arriving soon. Right now he is with Sebastian," Luther answered. I nodded then relaxed into a nearby sofa watching the guests enter and dance. Suddenly, I hear the door swing open. 

Ciel POV

      "Sebastian! What is the meaning of all this?" I grumbled. 

      "My lord all that grumbling is not good for you," Sebastian responded. 

      "Enough! Just answer the question," I hissed. 

       "Allow Y/N to explain," Sebastian smiled. 

        Y/N runs up to me slightly tripping over her clothes. I blush seeing Y/N in her beautiful attire. The color and shape only magnifies her beauty. Looking at her smile only reassures my already growing love for her. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her. 

       "Be careful Y/N. Slow down," I cautioned. She falls into my arms as I catch her. 

       "Y/N I told you to slow down..." 

       I hold her close and look down at her as she responded," Sorry." Her beautiful eyes stare up at me. I brush a strand of her soft hair gently behind her ear. A few moments pass by and I still hold Y/N. 

       " can let go of me now," Y/N awkwardly chuckles. 

       "Oh! Yes! My apologies," I flushed.

       "Well anyway. We did this party for you. Since you haven't had a birthday party in a while," Y/N explained. 

      "Oh yes thank you...but it's not my birthday," Ciel responded. 

      "We know that we just didn't want to do it on your birthday...To know to avoid taking away from...what...happened." I smile feeling thankful and finding it cute that Y/N was so thoughtful. 

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