The Ball 11

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Your POV

      I freshen up and take the outfit I chose yesterday and wore it. I put my hair in a fancy style and wore the accessories and shoes I chose.

A/N( If you choose to wear makeup your makeup can be whatever you wish)

      When I feel satisfied I head down to the ballroom. I enter the ballroom and my ears are immediately filled with chatter and laughter.

 I enter the ballroom and my ears are immediately filled with chatter and laughter

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Ciel POV

      "Give me one that matches Y/N's," I ordered. Sebastian opens my closet and picks out one to match Y/N. He dresses me, changes my eyepatch, and fixes up my hair. Afterward, I enter the ballroom.

Your POV

      I look up to see Ciel standing on the stairs. I blush as I look at him. 

      "Good Evening, I am the Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Welcome to my ball. I hope you have a wonderful time, " Ciel said with a smile. Ciel continues to walk down the steps. He shakes some hands and greets some guests. He begins to head towards me but is interrupted by a blond hair boy. 

      "You look beautiful," the blond hair boy beamed. 

      "Oh, thank you. You look good too," I replied. 

      "Thank you I am Alois Trancy. What's your name?" he asked. I'm not really familiar with all the people in high positions like Ciel. "Oh, I'm Y/N L/N," I answered. 

      "May I have this dance?" he asked while he offered his hand. I look over to Ciel and see him chatting with some guests. 

      I look at Alois's hand then I replied, "Yes you may."

      I take Alois's hand then he begins to lead me to the dance floor. I dance a little with Alois then he offers to get us drinks. I sit over to the side of the ballroom. Then suddenly my mouth is covered and I'm dragged into another room. I screamed and squirmed underneath the hand. 

      "Shush, it's me. Ciel," Ciel whispers. 


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      Ciel removes his hand from my mouth and added, "It was getting tiresome greeting everyone so I wanted to go get some fresh air."

      "Then why bring me?" I asked. He looks at me in silence for a moment.

      "It doesn't matter just follow me," he mumbled while he took my hand. 

      He leads me outside through the garden into the woods.

      He leads me outside through the garden into the woods

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      "Wow, it's beautiful," I whispered. 

      "I agree, I used to come here when I was younger," Ciel said. 

      "Why did you stop," I asked. Ciel looked down for a moment. 

      "Life happens. The things that were beautiful don't seem so beautiful anymore," Ciel sighed. 

      "Does it look beautiful now?"

      "Yes," Ciel responded. I stare at Ciel and we lean into each other. I close my eyes and Ciel kisses me. His lips felt so warm and soft. Ciel's lips were slightly parted allowing warm, muffled gushes of his breath to pour into my mouth. The sounds he made were sweet and pleasing to the ears. My blood rushed to my head and it felt as if I was floating. It all came crashing down as soon as Ciel shot up from the bench. 

      "I-I should go back to the ball," he stuttered. Ciel spun around then dashed back into the ballroom. I sat there for a while blushing with my hand on my lips. I take a deep sigh. I should head back to my room I feel exhausted.

      I enter my bedroom and sat on my bed. I probably should at least read a little bit of the book. I look over to the table to get my book but it wasn't there. 

      "No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Where is it?" I whispered. Everything I needed to know all my answers. Gone. 

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