[Prologue: WOMB]

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Warning(s): pre-transition character, they will still be called by their preferred name.


Once upon a time, there was a god. This god looked upon an empty space, his empty space, and thought, 'I want to create my own world where everyone can be happy.'

"That is what he did. He created a perfect world for his people: vast lands, beautiful waters and animals for his new world. He created monsters for the people to fight against, for those who searched for a thrill of adventure. Then he brought in souls, wandering souls that traveled among worlds and brought them in to be the first people of his new world. Among them, he invited a foreign god—who created a fiery place for the new god's world as a gift.

"'This is the Nether,' the foreign god told him, 'my realm as a gift for you.'

"And at last, his world was finished. With the first residents, the two gods disguised themselves as mortals and with the first souls—built a house together. This became the Community House.

"'What will you call it?' The foreign god asked his friend one night.

"'Call what?' The god questioned.

"The foreign god extended his hand to the starry night sky, created by his friend, 'your world of course,' he chuckled, 'what else?'

"'Oh,' the god chuckled, humming a bit, 'Dream SMP-'"


A red-haired woman stopped, looking down at the child snuggles in bed. She had brown, almost ginger hair with two white streaks at the front, freckles splattered across her pale, chubby, cheeks and eyes as dark as the night. Nestled in her wild nest of hair were two small, pointed ears that twitched at every little sound.

"Yes?" A smile graced the mother's lips, turquoise eyes filled with love and adoration for her child.

Unlike her baby, she did not have fluffy ears. Instead, gills mark her neck, and her freckles sparkle like sapphires. In place of human ears, she sported fins, and patches of red scales were littered all over the rest of her body.

"Why did the god name it Dream SMP?"

"I'm sure only he knows, my little fox shifter," She coos, pushing a webbed hand through her ginger-brown hair.

"After that night, two more gods appeared into Dream SMP. The first was the goddess of death. Despite her title, she was a benevolent goddess, appearing when the first inhabitant passed away. She was silent and only gifted the god an immortal to roam his land.

"Finally, there was the Blood God, whose form manifested in a collection of voices crying out for bloodshed. Despite the other gods trying to force the Blood God to leave, it stayed, vowing that it would not rest until it found a suitable vessel-

"Oh, oh Fundy," The mother cooed, at her child's trembling form, "the Blood God will not harm a hair on your head."

"A-Are you sure?" The fox shifter asked, whimpering.

"I promise," She smiled, "your father and I will protect you."

"Okay..." The child whispered, "what happens next?"


"After the Blood God and as the first generation settled in, the people slowly realized that each god could bestow a gift. The Blood God's gift was deemed more of a curse, as it granted its own presence, whispering advice in the gifted's ear. The foreign god is said to have gifted his with special tridents that allowed the gifted to soar through the air. The goddess of death gifted hers with beautiful wings that were as black as the night-"

"Just like Grandpa?" Fundy gasped in wonder.

His mother giggled, pressing a kiss on her hair, "Yes, just like your grandpa, my sweet. In fact, your grandpa is also the goddess's gifted immortal."

Another gasp brought another giggle.

"And do you know what that means, my little fox cub?"

"What, Momma?"

"That means your father's country, L'Manburg, as her blessing as long as your grandpa supports your father."

"The goddess's blessing..."

The woman couldn't help but chuckle at the sparkle of awe in her child's dark eyes.

"So what about the creator god, Mom?"


"They say he gifts them with various items and his own presence."

Unbeknownst to the two. A figure watched them. He could not harm the people of L'Manberg, not while they were under Kristin's watch—which stayed so as long as her immortal lover, Philza, stuck around.

He slipped away into the shadows, heading back to a building that has stood against time—despite being rebuilt at least a couple of times. He stood under it, remembering the words of his fellow god:

"I have one warning for you, Dream."

They sat at the door to the Community House, looking at the stars he had created. The first mortals have been asleep by then, their first peaceful sleep since being brought into the Dream SMP.

"What is it?" He asked, looking at those pure white eyes.

"Mortals will eventually carve their own path, whether you like it or not," the other paused as if reflecting on the past, "whatever you do, don't let that get to you, Dream. It's all fun and games until you want to control everything...and everyone."

Dream scoffed. He'll be fine. L'Manberg was an annoying little bug but...

It'll face his wrath soon enough.



Sometimes seen as nature spirits. They can shift from being fully human to an animal or anything in between. They may have preferences for one form over the other. The most common are animal shifters. They are typically rather shy and prefer to stay in their animal form. Those that have lived among society generally prefer a mix. While monster shifters also exist, they are rare.

 While monster shifters also exist, they are rare

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