[Chapter 8: Then Seal in Our Wonder to Ferment]

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Nether Demons

Dark, tall, bipedal creatures with glowing white eyes. They are actually from the Nether's void. They are born in the void and surface to the Nether once reaching adulthood. They are a rare sighting in the Nether and generally stay away from any Overworldians. They prefer not to interact but instead watch.

Not much is known about them aside from their tall height and immortality. However, it seems that they stay far away from the portals. Why? That is unknown.

Many say that these demons are the foreign god's creations, as they are similar to his depicted appearance.


This demon was...


"H-Hey! I'm not short! I'm definitely taller than you, you muffinhead!"

Oh, did he say that out loud? Oops.

"Yeah but I just had an encounter with one and they're so fucking tall-"

"Langauge!" The demon exclaimed, "And technically I can be that tall."

Skeppy paused, "okay- Did you just language me? Aren't you a demon?"

"Stereotypes can be really offens-"

"And how can you become that tall? Are you a demon shifter?"

"What? No, I'm not! I'm like you-!"


"Yes, you! You muffinhead! I've been blessed too!"

Skeppy froze.


"Hello? Hello...?" The demon waved his hand in his face.


The demon frowned, "you didn't know?"

He was the same as the other demon he saw but he was much shorter. In fact, Skeppy was pretty sure he's about the same height as him if not a bit shorter.

(Yeah. Totally short.)

His horns were almost stubs on his head with a fluffy huff of hair sticking out of his hood. He wore black, tattered robes with red trim. One of the sleeves was shorter than the other. He had a strap across his torso and grey gloves that had golden plates on them. His pants were dark grey and, just like the robes, were tattered. Probably the only thing that wasn't was the grey checkered bandana around the demon's neck.

Aside from his height, what made him different from the demon he saw earlier was the glowing white halo above his head.

"...Noooope," he replied slowly at first, then super fast, "no no no nonononopenadano-!"

"Okay okay, I get it!" The demon exclaimed loudly, causing him to shut up, "you didn't know you are blessed, I get it!"

"Does that explain why I have diamonds everywhere?" Skeppy questioned, "And who the fuck blessed me!"

"Language mister," the demon hissed before replying, "honestly, I don't know. I just know you've been blessed because...um..."

He thought for a moment, "it's like sensing the energy around you?"

"...oh. How come I can't sense you then?"

"I don't know!" The demon threw his hands up, "I just knew!"

i like the devil [A Gods!AU Skephalo Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now