[Chapter 10: And I Read His Sweet Mind Last Night]

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The hot blast of air and the smell of sulfur was a strange welcome to Skeppy. Maybe it was because of how much he missed Bad. But he knew he was far away from home already. He ended up on a cliff of light and dark grey rock, with ash falling from the sky like snow.

A basalt delta.

Skeppy stepped away from the edge, pebbles being sent off into the pool of lava below. He gulped.

He needed to be more careful. He is carrying precious cargo after all. His senses kicked into high gear, taking out the bow on the side of his backpack and slipping out an arrow to nock. His blue eyes darted around before moving around the rocky platform he was on. Eventually, he found a lower ground that wouldn't lead to his doom.

One problem: the way down was a steep cliff and Skeppy was sure that he'd break a leg if he dropped down from that height. No way in hell was he gonna free fall his way over.

The low coo of a ghast nearby made him more anxious.

He needed to get off of this platform, with no water to break his fall. So, Skeppy swung his legs over the cliff before slipping off and letting go of his hand that clung to the edge. The tips of his diamond fingers grew sharp and just before he was able to break his bones, Skeppy struck into the cliff's exposed layer of softer netherrack. His feet now dangled a few inches above solid blackstone.

Skeppy grunted, tugging himself free and letting out a sigh of relief upon hitting solid ground. He wasn't sure where he was, nor was he sure on how to get to Bad. He waved his way through pillars of basalt, stepping around patches of lava and magma rock. In fact, he was so focused on trying to ensure no monsters were chasing after him, he didn't realize there was a hole ahead until he was too late. His feet gave way under him and the blessed fell, heart leaping to his throat and blue eyes widening as he sees the sea of lava below him growing closer and closer. This was it. This was the end and he will never see his friends again.

He screams and squeezes his eyes shut, waiting for his death.

Only to feel something press against his body, and something wrapping around him. The sound of flapping wings caused him to open his eyes to see nothing but black.

It was breathing.

He looked up to see the face of his savior.

A nether demon.

The demon landed in a warped forest, the teal colors of the plantlife contrasting the scarlet red skies of the nether. Skeppy stumbled out of its protective arms, legs feeling like jelly. He takes in a couple of deep breaths before looking at the demon that just saved him from a fiery death.

It looks at him with glowing white eyes, spaded tail twitching contently behind it.

The demon was different than Bad. Its figure leaned more on the slimmer side, with a pair of horns that curled behind its ears. Gold chains, some with quartz beads, dangled from bands on the horns, chains clinking faintly whenever it moved his head. But one particular trait stood out to Skeppy:

The large dark wings on its back.

Skeppy had only caught a couple of glimpses of other demons since meeting Bad but he had never seen one with wings. He shifted slightly away, intimidated as the demon leaned in to sniff him.

"Uhhh thanks for the save big guy..."

Prime, he didn't know what to say.

The demon's ears perked up and let out a quiet purr/chirp:

"𝙹ᒷ!¡'⊣ꖎ ꖎʖᓭᒷᔑꖎ."

It then looked around, then back at him with a sharp, low growl, "⨅ᒷʖʖᒷ."

i like the devil [A Gods!AU Skephalo Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now