[Chapter 9: I, Like the Devil, Can Fly]

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Blessing of the Foreign God (False)

Purity Ring: Indicated by the glowing white halo on the blessed's head, this allows Bad to take on a less threatening form. 


A/N: At this point I had lost files of the original art of Skeppy and Bad and had to redraw them :/

Then proceeded to lose them AGAIN. 


Skeppy couldn't believe it. He was blessed by a god. A GOD.

Since when!? Why didn't he know about this?

He tried to think back of anything, anything that would have gotten the gods' interest in him.



He snapped out of his thoughts, blinking as he made eye contact with Vurb.

"You alright, man?"

"Uh yeah...yeah, I'm fine," he smiled, even though it couldn't be seen.

"It's been a wild day," Sinnoba sighed, "Especially for you, Skeppy. It's your first visit to the Nether after all."

And they sure took their time too. By the time they were back in the Overworld, it was night.

"We better set up camp quickly," the mineralfolk instructed, "and we'll take turns keeping watch."

As they set everything up, trying to stay alert for any sneaky monsters—Skeppy couldn't help but think about the demons they had encountered. He's heard stories about the Piglins, the ghasts, the wither skeletons, and the blazes. Every horror story from their travels and yet not a single one he could remember about the Nether demons.

"How come we've never heard about those Nether demons?" Skeppy questioned, causing the other two to pause.

Vurb glanced at Sinnoba.

"They're a rare sighting for sure," Sinnoba answered, "It's so rare to see one that I've only heard of them once or twice in my life. Usually, you'd see one but two? It's unheard of."

"Why just one?"

"Hmmm, I hear that they're solitary and that they sometimes like to watch people."

"...That explains why I felt like I was being watched."

"They say that those demons are curious but also dislike being seen."

"But what about the two we encountered?" Vurb questioned, "they didn't seem to care much that they were spotted--especially when one of them literally chased us to Skeppy."

The mineralfolk shrugged, "who knows? Maybe ask Bad next time we go to the Nether."

"Speaking of, do all demons have a smaller form?" Vurb questioned.

Skeppy pulled off the box, "Apparently not, he's blessed by the foreign god."

"Well, I guess that makes sense-"

"And he says I'm blessed too."

Vurb spits out the water he was drinking.

"You're fucking with us."

Skeppy laughs, "I fucking wish."

"From the same god?" Sinnoba asked with a frown, "or...?"

i like the devil [A Gods!AU Skephalo Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now