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" why" I said as I stared at the dead of xav brother max. Nothing made sense why would mia kill him, what was he about to say, what did he mean. " poor poor Victoria you seem so confused." mia said smiling, she had this crazy look in her eye. " you crazy bitch" xav said as he pointed his gun at mia."do it I dear you, I'll just  blow Mrs. Salvatore head right off." she said  pointing the gun at me laughing crazily. 

xav looked at me, I felt scared ,I wasn't ready to die just yet ,honestly I was still lost, this couldn't be the end." ohh, I thought so, you cant hurt me not while I  have my gun pointed at Mrs. pretty face over here, you see xavier I'm the boss here. I can do whatever I want to do." mia said. suddenly I saw Jessica coming up behind mia. It seemed as if mia didn't see her, due to the fact she was so busy talking to xavier. It happened so fast one minute mia was taunting xav the next she was on the ground.

"Is she dead" I whispered still in shock, things were moving too quickly, people were moving too quickly I felt nauseous. "no, just knocked out we need some information from her  before I kill the crazy bitch." xav said." get her out of here.' xav ordered justin. " lets go" justin said leading me out the room. Even though from the outside I seemed lost but in my head I was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.


"You good" justin asked me, was I really, the world seemed to collapse, my bestfriend mia. no it couldn't be the same mia, the same mia who would cry in my arms when she felt like people were using her. The thing about it is that she was different than everybody  else I guess that why we were bestfriends, she got me and I got her. well that's at least what I taught. now she was pointing a gun at my face and talking crazy. what happened, she looked so different. "yeah" I finally answered . 

" you going to kill her"   I said as I stared at xav. he had just entered the room from a phone call. he had a whiskey in his hand and he seemed pretty upset." of course I'm going to fucking kill her but the bitch is not talking." he said." then make her talk." I said. I mean I didn't want mia dead but that doesn't mean I wouldn't allow a little torturing. I mean she did try to kill me, and  we need to know what was going on right. wouldn't you do the same if you were in my situation. what am I saying mia is my bestfriend, even if I didn't recognize her. I wouldn't give up on her, she was my bestfriend for crying out loud. 

"don't you think I've been trying babygirl." he said looking at me." let me try." I said coming to stand in front of him. "you sure" he said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me closer. "yes" I said. I pulled his lips to mine, hear we go again. I soaked it up, found my high in it, this poison, this toxic love. 

It seemed as if we were close but not close enough, we were moving fast but not fast enough. there seemed to be too many barriers between us, I took of his shirt , he took off mine, but right before were about to take it further , his phone rang." don't fucking answer it ." I said running my hands all over him. I couldn't get enough. 

"fuck" I said as I found my release, that was amazing. I felt high, like I was in another universe ."that was amazing." xav said as he just came back to earth from another universe." it was" I said as I hugged him, I loved cuddling him after. "lets take a shower." he said getting up and holding out his hand"yes" I said taking his hand, with xav it seemed all my senses left, all my reasoning out the door. he was really my poison and I don't know what I would do without him.

"you guys took your time, your pretty loud by the way victoria." cris joked ,I blushed so hard." keep talking and ill fucking kill you cris, I dare you." xav said waving his gun around. I swear he has that gun everywhere he goes , I wondered if he had his gun while we were having sex. If he had I was too lost in the pleasure to care. I blushed again, was I really that loud. "lets get down to business." xav said taking a seat at the head table.

"  well I was actually calling to tell you that the dios gang as sided with your brother zander." cris said twirling , what I assumed was his knife." what" xav shouted, he looked like he wanted to shoot someone. "hey don't shoot the messenger." cris said jokingly but you could see in his face that he was scared . " has any of our allies  sided with him." I said, I was the mafia queen its time I started acting like it. "no just them for now, but word on street is that the gang is weak they're saying boss has gone soft." cris whispered the last part softly. " soft" xav whispered, to himself ,it seemed as if everybody was on the edge of their seat.

 "show of hands who in this room think I'm weak and please don't be afraid to be honest." xav said ." and as an insurance ill even put down my gun." xav said putting his gun on the table. suddenly 10 hands out of the 20( keep in mind this wasn't all the persons in the gang this was like a representatives from each group, of the thousands persons we have in our gang.)." ok then." xav said before he took out his other gun out from his waist and shot the ten people ,it happened so fast. T

he rest looked like they wanted to run. " now that that's out the way, I'm going to get the location of my so called brother and then I'm going to fucking kill him and any idiot that was foolish enough to join him. your all dismissed." he said turning around . 

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yours truly 

my one and only poison

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