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" Ughh " I groaned what happened last night, I had a major headache  the last thing I remember is Olivia inviting some of her friends over for a party .Damn I thought I had to worry about xav getting drunk. " Victoria " I heard Olivia say as she came into the room with a cup of coffee ."hey what happened last night."I asked rubbing my eyes. " oh nothing serious, you got really drunk and you may have told me you love my brother. Oh the stylist will be here in two minutes. "Olivia said handing me the coffee."oh, wait what."I said taking the coffee, I told you  what. "here take theses pills for your head and maybe go the a shower. " olivia said handing me the pill and some water .I quickly took it, then gently got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I couldn't think about  what olivia just told me I had to focus , I still wanted to escape from Xavier , I just wasn't going to ruin olivia wedding day.I stripped my clothes and stepped in the shower.

"Wow " I did as I looked at my bridesmaid dress it looked beautiful,  meanwhile olivia was getting her makeup done by the stylist,  I was next.

"Wow " I did as I looked at my bridesmaid dress it looked beautiful,  meanwhile olivia was getting her makeup done by the stylist,  I was next

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" dearly beloved "the pastor said , I wasn't really paying attention, I was looking at xav do I really love him

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" dearly beloved "the pastor said , I wasn't really paying attention, I was looking at xav do I really love him .I knew I had feelings for him but love. I couldn't love him not after what he has done ,after what he took from me. This wasn't a fairytale I wasn't princess and he my prince, it was real life,  I wasn't supposed to fall for my kidnapper,  no I wouldn't allow that to be my story, It  wouldn't be a cliché where the girl falls for her kidnapper and they live happily ever after.no I would write my own story , I won't be one of those girls." You may  now kiss the bride " the pastor said finally.

" are you alright baby girl. " Xav asked as we sat around a table."I'm fine "I said quickly. "What happened. " Xav asked grabbing, my hands in his."I just miss my family that's all" I lied as I faked a smile.I knew he knew that I was lying but he chose to ignore it."do you want to dance."Xav asked , but before I could answer he was already pulling me towards the dance floor."so when are we leaving. "I asked ." Early tomorrow. " he answered spinning me around.
"Oh " I answered, "you look beautiful in that dress."Xav whispered in my ear.
" can I have a dance "a little  girl asked xav.I laughed and said "it would be his pleasure princess "Xav said bending down to her level.

" would you care to dance. " dean asked as I sat down at the table by ,myself. "Sure "I answered even though I was a little bit tired. " so how are you enjoying the wedding. " he asked."it's beautiful "I  said . " I'm sorry again vee " dean said spinning me around. "It's fine the kiss meant nothing. "I said , I realized too late that xav was standing behind me and he looked as if he was about to punch dean. " it's your sisters  wedding don't ruin it " I said to him as I stood in between the two. A few people heard the commotion and stopped dancing. " ahh " I yelped as xav pulled me aggressively towards the door."you are hurting me "I said but he only pulled harder. he dragged me outside and into the car, where he drove off."Xav slow down "I begged him but he only drove faster .Tears ran down my face ,"Xav "I screamed as I saw car lights come out of no where and hit us then everything went black.

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So maybe a xav pov is coming up stay tuned to find out on this Rollercoaster ride of love hate and total destruction. toodles☺

My One And Only Poison (18+)-undergoing major editing.Where stories live. Discover now