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I woke felling happy I don't know why, it seemed very odd.I didn't really have a reason to be happy, I mean my life was filled with nothing but trouble. Yet I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I headed downstairs for breakfast. I was going to apologize to olivia, for what I said yesterday. I was angry with her brother and I shouldn't have taken it out on her."Good morning. " I said as I entered the kitchen. Olivia and her husband were sitting around the table talking. " Good morning. " they answered. " I am sorry about yesterday, olivia I didn't mean what I said ,I was just upset with xavier, please forgive me . " I said ,looking down.

I wasn't sure if she was going to accept my apology, I guess if I was in her position I wouldn't either. " it's ok Victoria I understand, and you were right you can take care of yourself. So do you want some breakfast are ,are you alright. " she said smiling ."sure I'll take some." I replied.

After I ate, I sat down in my room scrolling through my phone. I didn't have anything to do, I got up to use the bathroom. I suddenly heard my phone ringing,  I took it up wondering who was calling me. It was an unknown number, "hello " I said answering the phone." Hello, little one." Harry said.great it was the guy from yesterday, I forgot I gave him my number."what do you want harry."I said annoyingly, sitting on the bed."nothing little one,  I just wanted to see what you were doing. Are you thinking about me, cause I've been thinking about you a lot."he said huskily

. " No I haven't been thinking about you,  truth be told you haven't crossed my mind since we last talked."I said ."oh, little one you hurt my feelings. " he said sadly."I'm going to hang up now." I said."wait , I was just wondering if you want to go out ,right now if you're not doing anything. "he said.

I wondered if I should go , I didn't exactly know him,but I wasn't doing anything here anyway.It not that is he is ugly, the opposite actually. I had to admit he is hot and totally handsome.I just didn't really want to lead him on, cause I  still loved Xavier,  maybe I was thinking too much, he isn't asking ,me to marry him or have sex with him , not that I  wouldn't have sex with him. Nooo , vee you love xavier even if he is a selfish, fucking, asshole, piece a shit ."I thought

." you still there little one " harry said interrupting my thought. " yeah ."I replied, "so what do you say you coming or not."he said ."where are we going exactly. "I asked. "you trust me. "he asked."hell no" I said quickly. "I'll pick  up in a few minutes , be ready. " he said hanging up. Wait I didn't agree, and how the hell did he know  where I was staying. Well I might as well get ready I thought getting off the bed. I changed into a white  crop top and my black high waist rip jeans. I was going to where I dress but I said fuck it I'm not dressing up for him.

I took my phone and headed downstairs. " where you headed. " olivia asked , as she saw me . Great this again I thought."out."I replied. " look I am going out with a friend there is no need to call xav."I said . I headed to the door, "what the hell " I said as I saw the two bodyguards. "They handed me a phone.I took it . "Hello."I said ."babygirl,it's nice to talk to you ,these are your bodygaurds,  I hope you enjoy there company as much as they enjoy yours." " you fucking asshole, I do not need your fucking bodyguards,  I can protect myself. Call off your fucking dogs."I shouted angrily. " I see you have lost your respect for me babygirl , I can't wait to punish you babygirl,  to have you screaming my name as you cum."he whispered huskily .
" go fuck yourself. " I said angrily ." No, I'll just fuck you instead ."he said laughing. I handed the bodyguards the phone , I couldn't bear to hear that asshole any longer.you know what I take it back I don't love him, I hated him . I stormed upstairs angrily, I quickly called harry." Hey harry , I won't be able to come today ,can we reschedule. "I said trying to sound calm , when inside I was seething with anger.
" sure, is everything alright little one. " He said."yeah, I mean no, I'm  just a little stressed out right now. " I said, a little was an understatement. I hated xav,  he just had to ruin my day with his fucking bodyguards. "What is it."he said .shit , I can't tell him what's really  wrong. I mean how would it sound , oh nothing it's just my jerk of a gangleader husband as his bodyguards watching me , preventing us from going out , the usual. Yeah cause that would sound like a  little problem, I thought sarcastically.

" little one."harry said,"I think I can make it tomorrow if that's OK with you. " I said changing the subject. " oh, sure ."he said ."well I have to go ,see you tomorrow harry." I said. " bye little one. " harry said hanging up.

I sighed ,what am I going to do now,maybe I could do some painting , I am no professional but painting always got my mind off things, and I saw olivia with some painting supplies.

I headed downstairs,  to ask olivia for the painting supplies, it seemed I had to ask permission  do anything in this place.which was weird because we are practically the same  age.

" ughhh " I sighed a I looked at th blank page, I have  no idea what to paint.my is mind   blank.
I felt so much emotions right now. Mainly anger though,anger at xav far trying to control my life.
Maybe I could paint how I felt, I thought. So that's what I did , let's just say the painting was  very unique. I painted how I felt.

I felt much better. Painting always helped ,me feel better especially  when I was feeling down or when I'm feeling sad it was my safe haven, a place where  my one and poison  (Xavier ) cannot touch or corrupt. I should've walked away one year ago when you said I couldn't make it out alive .

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