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Xav pov:

" fuck "  I groaned, I  had a massive headache , my head was killing me . I didn't remember much,What the hell happened last night .I looked at Victoria who was sleeping peacefully beside me, she looked so beautiful. I wonder if I did anything stupid last night , I thought as I  dragged myself off the bed and  into the bathroom. I quickly took a aspirin, and then took a shower. I just needed to clear my head last night, after the man that I was torturing passed out I had sometime to think. I knew Victoria was secretly torturing the person who made her lose the baby. I knew she was hurting but goddammit I was too,  she wasn't the only one who lost their child. She acts as if I don't know how she feels. she doesn't eat, she barely sleeps, and she doesn't talk to me.

I know she has nightmares about the accident, and I try to help her but she refuses my help. I guess I just needed a break, I needed to not think about everything. So I went to one of my many clubs and well you know the rest. I knew it wasn't right of me to get drunk at a time like this when she was hurting , but then again I wasn't the type of person to do what was right and she knew this by now.

I let out a  sigh as I came out the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed in the bedroom.
" good morning baby girl. " I said as I dried my hair with the towel.  She was staring at me wide eyed as she bit her lip."fuck " I thought she doesn't know what she does to me when she bites her lip like that.I  felt my member twitch , down boy I thought. Now was not the time, I had to get to leave soon.

One of my shipments were coming in today it was a very big deal between the venom gang and mine. I had to be alert those fuckers were a bunch slimy bastards and I knew they would try something.

" you should take a picture it will last longer ."I said smirking I continued to dry my hair." I... " she said blushing ."  I'm all yours baby girl." I said smirking."so what are  we doing today ."She asked changing the subject. " we aren't doing anything, I'm going to work ,you are staying here ."I said getting dressed. "You cant keep me locked up in here forever  ."she said angrily . "Yes I can." I said .I didn't need this problem right now , I had to focus.
" please Xavier I can't stay here , It's been so hard for me you know . I just can't. " she said as she started crying.  I hated it when she cried and she knew it.
" okay fine lets make a deal I'll allow you to shopping with my sister but you have to promise me you wont try to escape and you have to have  bodyguards. "I said. "Thank you " she said hugging me and smiling.

" go get ready , my sister will be here in a few minutes said smacking her ass."oww " I heard her say as she ran to the bathroom. I smiled,  she didn't realize the power she had over me .

" you ready "I started to say as I entered the room , but I was left speechless, my baby girl looked so hot I felt like locking her up in this room and have my wicked way with her ."yes I am she said  putting on some matching black heels."fuck " I thought ,I was going to have to go through the day with a boner.I grabbed her by the waist and started kissing her , I put my hands on her throat and squeezed it gently,  I wanted her to know she was mine , I am sure every man will be staring at her. " you look ravishing in that dress, I'm tempted to tie you to this bed and fuck you till you can't walk ."I whispered in her ear seductively  .dammit I had to focus. "But sadly I have to go." I said pulling away." Be careful " I said kissing her on the forehead  .

I had called my sister and told her to take my baby girl shopping,  to help her take her mind off things

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I had called my sister and told her to take my baby girl shopping,  to help her take her mind off things. I told her to let her buy whatever she wants no matter the cost. If I knew my sister well, and I did she would have let her bought whatever she wants even if I hadn't gave her permission. I arranged for them to have five bodyguards,  I was going to make it ten , but olivia convinced me otherwise.  I knew my baby girl would be safe, cause right now I needed to be focus and alert. Nothing cannot go wrong with this shipment.

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