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xav pov:

" shit" I cursed as one of my men got shot, I looked around but I couldn't see my babygirl where the hell was she. What the hell was going on, I didn't like playing a game with no idea what was going on. I liked being in control and right now I didn't feel the least bit in control.

My babygirl was out there somewhere scared and alone, I needed to find her and hold her in my arms and never let her go. truth be told I was scared shitless if anything were to happen to my wife I would go crazy ,I don't want to think about that right now.

" boss" Stephen said(one of his men) ,"what" I replied looking at me. shit I cursed as I saw him bleeding, this wasn't good. I pressed my hands against the wound, it looked really bad ."I got it boss, go look for Victoria."Jim said pressing on Stephen wound.

"don't let him die on me ,get him out of here."I said. I looked around as I walked down a hall, suddenly I saw cris."you alright." I said looking at him,I didn't want anymore of my men getting hurt."I'm good ,those bastards couldn't touch me. I cant seem to find Victoria ,sorry." he said. "its ok we'll keep looking she has to be here."I said, patting him on the shoulder. we walked down the hall together searching.

Victoria pov:

what the hell was going on, this was a game to them.I looked at the three of them as they laughed, they were crazy we were literally in middle of a shoot out.I hated being here,I just wanted to go home and cuddle xavier and never let him go.

"Victoria "I heard cris called, I gasped this wasn't good at all."lets go beautiful." harry said grabbing me by the arm out the room,the others followed silently."let her go." xav said pointing the gun at harry.I pleaded with him with my eyes for him to run I had a bad feeling in my stomach .

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, you see you wont be walking out of here alive."harry said laughing. Tears ran down my face as he said this, I was shaking. "you are both going to die." mia said laughing also, she was such a bitch. "or maybe I wont kill her maybe I will take her for myself and fuck her an she'll have my kid. we'll live happily ever after and you well you'll be dead. yes that plan sounds much more satisfying I get hard just thinking about it."he said sniffing my hair.

what a fucking psycho I thought, I wondered if I could reach my pocket knife and stab him maybe that will give xav time to kill the bastard."but baby you told me I was your forever."mia said looking at harry.

now this part I did not expect harry took out another gun and shot her, I screamed as I saw her body drop."now that's out the way." he said smiling, I stared at mia's dark red blood, even though she stabbed me in the back I didn't want to see her die.

No she didn't deserve that maybe she did you know what right now I have to focus on myself my family we cant suffer the same faith she did ."let  her go harry ,you can have whatever you want." xav said pleadinly."No I don't want your fucking handouts I want what's mine I'm going to take it from your cold lifeless fingers."harry replied laughing.

what was with this guy and laughing as if he was joker "brother." ryan said,I almost forgot he was here he's been so quiet during all of this."what ryan don't you see I'm doing something." he said, I used that moment to take out my knife I stabbed him.

he loosened his hold I used that moment to get out of his arms. It happened fast or did time slow ,had I been shot.I fell into xav arms were we ok ,I looked around, harry was on the floor ryan had a gun in his hand,I laughed in my mind it was going to be ok.

I hugged xav tightly, I looked at my hands we were they covered in blood, I screamed as xav dropped."boss"cris yelled coming to his rescue."noooo this cant be happeening. your going to be ok."I said crying."someone get help." I screamed ,cris ran where was he going was he going for help.

"please,please."I cried as I stared into those eyes."Victoria listen to me, I'm not going to make it ,take care of__" xav said as he coughed up blood."don't fucking say that you have to survive you have to do it for your baby." I said crying.""you're pregnant,"he said, looking. "yeah so you better fucking survive this shit I'm not raising this kid on my own you asshole." I said laughing and crying at the same time."I love you babygirl." he said before fainting.I screamed cris came running where the hell was he.


"he's going to be ok victoria ."cris said reassuringly rubbing my back.I stared at xavier as I got a sense Deja vu. The doctor said he was in a coma ,and  he wasn't sure he was going to make it. I don't think I can cry anymore or maybe I cant stop crying, I'm tired of it to be honest.

I don't think this stress is good for the baby, but I was I just I couldn't help but stress."its going to be ok."cris said hugging me. My hands layed flat at my side,I couldn't force them to hug him I felt dead inside as it seemed xavier would be soon.




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