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xav pov:

" please, please." the man begged as john cut of his fingers. "all you have to do is tell me where my wife is and your free to go or would you rather we cut off your arm instead." I said, right now my patience was running thin."fine ill tell you please stop" he said crying."They are at  4th st. carson hill " he said."lets go." I said as I headed out."what about him." john asked."kill him."I said as I rushed out I'm coming babygirl .

vee pv:

I stared at the door as I wondered who would be the next person to come through it.my heart raced as I thought about what happened, nothing seemed to make sense.

Why was this happening to me ,did I deserve it, I was stuck in another cliché not just another cliché .this was my life my story, so why didn't I feel in control.why did I feel so powerless sitting in this chair tied up ,why did I feel so weak.No I wasn't ,I wasn't weak I was strong I've been through so much through the years and I always survived, I will survive this.

I wasn't going to give up not now not ever. good speech Victoria but your still stuck in this chair my consciousness said laughing she was right though although I managed to pull myself together and stop feeling sorry for myself I was still stuck in the chair.I tried twisting my hands hoping to get them out the rope, that didn't work though. Obviously.

wait ,I just remembered that I had a pocket knife in my back pocket, I swear if my hands weren't tied I would slap myself in the face right now. I cant believe I'm just remembering that, granted it's a small knife.I had gotten it for myself awhile back as a little protection if anything like this happened and it did, I smiled.I twisted my hands as I took it out my pocket, please don't fall I pleaded with the knife as if it would reply I wont.

I cut through the ropes ,this is going to take a while I thought,  hopefully enough time for Xavier to get his ass here and save me like seriously how long does he as to take.I mean they want you to find them it cant be that hard. honestly,I really love Xavier but at times he can be so frustrating, I m just tired of everything at this point.If I get out of this alive I need a vacation, I need some me time,I need to focus on my mind and body.

I have to get out of here first though.I was almost finished cutting through the ropes when the door opened I stopped in walked a guy he looked really young to be here, he had brown eyes and blonde hair. He had a glass of water in his hand I stared at him weirdly what was this kid's deal. he walked closer to me I clenched the knife tighter in my hand I had no idea was about to happen but I sure was not going to sit here not doing anything. "do you want some water." He said finally. I eyed the water in his hand suspiciously truth be told I was thirsty but I wasn't going to drink water from this weirdo." its safe" he said drinking some, as if reassuring me."what do you want." I said,looking at him. 

" I get it you don't trust me that's fine but you should really drink the water, I mean you're going to need your energy if your planning on escaping." He said smiling. I stared at him ,what was this kid deal."My hands are tied." I said finally, after an hour of silence passed by. "I could untie them for you." He said,putting down the water and taking out a knife.

I flinched as I saw the knife, I shouldn't have let my guard down ,he's just like every other psycho in this place."Its just to cut the rope,I really shouldn't be doing this if my brother found out he would kill me." He said."whose your brother." I said as I cut through the rope.I sill didn't trust him, and what did he mean by brother. "harry" he said looking at me. wait does that mean he xav brother too."we have different mothers." He said, as he saw my expression. wow Xavier father was really a manwhore, how many kids did he have.

"I know my father's a whore, I only met him once to be honest I was six."he said,I understand why my brother hates him so much.For a good while I did too,but then I let go of that hatred it was weighing me down holding me back you know.It was the best thing I ever did, this life's not for me.I tried to convince my brother but he's just in too deep,I cant give up though." He said, he looked lost as he spoke.

"that's story is nice and all but what does this have to do with me."I said,honestly Im a person that the first thought that comes to mind I say it."I can see why he likes you, you're quite the spitfire." He said laughing. "yeah I can see why you guys are brothers."I said, finally the ropes were cut thorugh. gunshots rang through the air,"it seems your boyfriend is here, let the games begin" He said,leaving the room."my husband." I corrected him, he was already gone anyway.

I quickly took off the ropes, it seemed Xavier had finally reached.I looked at the table, there was a glass of water and the knife.I looked at them confused what was this kids deal which side was he on. stop it Victoria you don't have time for this.I tried opening the door it was locked ,I picked the lock and I know what you're going to say how the hell did you know to pick a lock but I have two reasons 1.youtube and 2. I was bored. Anyway I needed to hurry before they realized I wasn't tied up anymore.I looked down the corridor and just my luck it was empty.I put my pocket knife where it belonged and I held on tightly to wait holdup what was that kids name anyway.

This was too easy I said as I walked down the corridor that moment I knew I spoke too soon because I saw harry."and I was just about to come get you, well that's impressive."he said smiling. "don't come any closer." I said pointing the knife at him. seriously Victoria you're going to beat him with a knife for Christ sake he has a gun.

"drop the gun sweatheart or ill shoot." He said pointing his gun at me. I dropped the knife, and I know what you're thinking oh she's finally giving up but no I wasn't, I wasn't going to surrender I was going to wait for the right moment then I would strike and by strike I mean stab him with my pockect knife. although it was small it was strong just like me.

"hey snap out of whatever fancy you're in where you and your husband come out of this alive and lets go, the games have already started." He said as he pulled me towards the door."brother." the boy from earlier said as we entered the room.

The room had  alot of televisions, I gasped as I saw xav, it seemed as if its been years since I saw him."ryan what are you doing here." Harry said. oh that's his name,"just making sure everything is in order, you ready." He replied calmly never once looking at me."yes its time ,time to take back what was rightfully mine." He said.

Ok I know I shouldn't have laughed but if you saw his face you would do too. "did I say something funny." He said looking at me."no, no don't mind me continue." And I should have stopped there but no I had to say." Your speech on world domination. "I swear I hate myself sometimes ,like now wasn't the time to provoke him he had a gun to my head for crying out loud. "brother nows not the time we should go don't listen to this bitch." Ryan said finally looking at me. ouch I thought,I really thought we were friends,oh well life goes on.

I was led out the room I wandered where we were going."Ive been waiting for this moment for a long time." Harry said,im sure you have I thought. "hi baby' mia said oh I just realized she was there."hi love."harry said kissing her,I looked away they were so gross together .I looked at the ground I had to find a way to escape.

My One And Only Poison (18+)-undergoing major editing.Where stories live. Discover now