Chapter Eleven - Practice Makes Perfect

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Late in the afternoon, you ran into Natasha again.

"Hey," you waved, trailing after her.

"What's up (Y/N)?" she asked you, a towel over her shoulders.

"Remember how I mentioned that my combat skills were rusty?"

Natasha nodded, knowing where this was going.

"I was wondering where I could train, I was thinking of doing it in my room but I'd like to practise hitting something over than a pillow," you explained, referring to a punching bag.

"I'll take you there, it's a couple of floors down," she offered, leading the way.

Once you had reached the training gym, you looked back at Natasha to thank her.

"Can you take it from here?" she asked. You gave her an enthusiastic nod.

"Yup, thanks so much," you smiled as she walked off.

Three hours had passed and you were training your ass off; punching, kicking, combos, the whole lot of it. You tried to remember the training you had done back on Ehiria. Their martial arts techniques came like second nature once you had gotten the hang of it again. Flexibility was important due to the amount of flips involved in the techniques.

One more backflip and I think I'm gonna die.

You did one anyways, then striking the punching bag in front of you with your left leg. The sheer force of the impact creating a loud smacking noise that echoed through the room.

"Someone's busy," you heard a familiar voice speak. Turning around, you saw that it was none other than Loki himself.

"Yeah, I'm practising all the ways I could knock your head out," you grinned, grabbing a towel as you sat down on the floor.

He laughed at this, joining you.

"What brings you down here?" you asked, taking a sip out of your water bottle.

"I got bored. I haven't been able to walk around freely, but since wearing this," he tugged on the tracking choker, "they've been more lenient with me."

You nodded. "Still doesn't explain why you're down here and not anywhere else; you stalking me or something?" You asked jokingly.

"I am not," he declared, an attempt to defend himself, "but actually, I wanted to ask you some things."

Raising an eyebrow, signalling for him to go on.

"Your magic, how does it work? How did you learn it?" He asked, moving his hands with his words.

You gave him a weak smile. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but it isn't something that is learned. I was born with these abilities. The only thing I had to teach myself to do is control it."

"Do other Ehirians have the same abilities? The whole decay and healing thing, I mean."

You shook your head.

"Magic-users are unique as they are scarce," you explained, "I once had a friend who manipulated water. My biological mother could manipulate and use mind control on many people at a time."

"Like what you did to Stark?" He referred to the ballerina twirling.

"Yeah. Just more powerful, no time limits or anything. She could also create larger illusions."

Loki noticed your facial expression change at the mention of your biological mother. You got more serious. Was it anger? Sadness? Both? He decided not to press on it.

Between Realms - A Loki x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now