Chapter Thirty Nine - Where Do We Go From Here

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Author's Note: Hello loves!! It's finally happening, LOL. There is a song I used for a scene in this chapter that I love to death - I find it so romantic and Idk why LOL but once again I'll attach the song and its link to this fic!! It's called 'Nightclub Love' by Matt Maltese.

Also, I'm updating this in the dead of night because I'm going shopping tomorrow and I know I'll be out all day, so I'm releasing the chapter now instead. <3

Enjoy reading <3 <3


"It meant everything to me."

You almost leaped in excitement after hearing that, knees buckling as you fell to the floor. Your attempt to hide your enthusiasm had failed, but that didn't matter anymore.

"You're not lying right now, right? This isn't a dream or anything?" You asked, pinching your arm. Wincing at the pain, you decided this was in fact real.

"Of course not," Loki chuckled as he made his way over to you. As soon as he got close, he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a tight hug. You reached out to grasp his back in order to return the embrace.

It was real. So, very, real.

"I'm not quite good at explaining how I feel most of the time," Loki whispered, "But there's this feeling - a sensation I have never felt before. It's all because of you. It would drive me mad and for a bit, I thought maybe pushing it away would help. I was wrong, for it only made it grow."

"Neither am I," you laughed, "But I understand that feeling. This entire time I thought I was hallucinating things, making things up due to how I feel for you. I would deny the possibility of anything, yet here you are confirming it. I-I don't know what else to say."

The two of you sat in silence, arms still wrapped around in an embrace.

"For how long?" You asked him, hoping you had both fallen for each other at the same time. For you, it was when the two of you danced by the fire while you wore the green dress.

"In New Asgard," he began, "When you picked up your guitar and sang while encouraging the crowd." Loki chuckled to himself at the memory. "The way you looked as you danced around in the sunset, your confidence - everything. Your everything just blew me away."

You were shocked, not expecting him to have fallen for you before you had fallen for him. You suddenly felt embarrassed for asking, wondering how he would take your answer.

"How about you?" He asked. Your face flushed as you attempted to speak.

"It, it was also on New Asgard," you began, "During the entire stay I felt strange towards you, but the last day did it in for me. When you taught me the Asgardian dance - that moment where we danced together. I felt as though we were the only people and the world seemed to stop. That's when I knew I couldn't keep lying to myself."

"I can't believe I fell first," Loki chuckled.

"It's not my fault that I'm so irresistible," you joked as you returned to packing, getting up to your closet.

"I suppose so," Loki stood up and hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist. With a flick of his finger, your record player began to turn. Your 'Bad Contestant' album by Matt Maltese was on and the song 'Nightclub Love' filled the room. You hadn't known whether Loki chose this song on purpose or not.

Hey there city girl, glad I ran into you here. I ain't one for nightclubs but I'll make exceptions for you dear.

Loki began to sway to the rhythm, bringing you along as he held on to you. You moved your head to the side, allowing him to nestle his face in between your shoulder and neck, leaning against yours. The two of you both heaved sighs of contentment as you melted into each other.

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