Chapter Twenty Seven - Mission Gone Wrong

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The following days went by pretty smoothly. Fury had acknowledged what you had done for the team and praised you for your quick thinking. When Tony brought up how you risked your life, Fury simply said: 'The Avengers risk their lives with every mission they take. I expected no less from her.' Since then, Fury has let you know that he'd trust you for future missions. Today was one of them.

You had just gotten dressed in your suit. Zipping up the front, you turned around only to find Loki sitting in your chair.

"Were you sitting there the entire time I changed?" You joked, typing your hair up.

"What? Of course not," Loki said in defence as you laughed.

"I'm just joking. Why're you here?" You asked him, adjusting the straps on the garter that held your new daggers.

"Still haven't told them about your hidden ability?" he chuckled, pointing out that you weren't using your Ehirian daggers.

"Shut up," you rolled your eyes and playfully smacked his right shoulder. You walked over to your mirror and applied a thin coat of clear lipgloss, your back facing Loki.

"I just dropped by to wish you luck on your mission, is that so wrong?" Loki finally answered your question, leaning back with his eyes on your suit. You felt flushed, feeling his gaze on you and wondering how you looked to him.

Quickly turning around, you caught Loki in the act, watching as he quickly averted his eyes to the floor.

"I appreciate the luck," you said, hopping over to your bedroom door, "But don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

"Worry? Who said I was worried?" Loki scoffed, looking away for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Okay, perhaps I am a little worried."

You felt your heart skip a beat, smiling from ear to ear without even realizing it.

"I regret saying that," he grumbled, noticing your overjoyed expression.

"Ugh I'm leaving now," you sighed, waving to him as you left your room, "Have fun reading I guess. I'll be back before dinner."

"I'll be awaiting your return," he smirked, leaning back in your chair. You rolled your eyes at him as you left but secretly wanted to scream. Does he know the effect he has on you?

'There's no way he doesn't act like that on purpose,' you thought, referring to his flirtatious tone, 'Wait, God of Mischief. Probably does this to everyone, don't get your hopes up (Y/N).'

Taking a deep breath, you walked down the hallway. You had run into Thor who hugged you and wished you luck as Loki did - he still had to stay behind and watch his brother. Bruce and Clint were also staying behind - Clint had family business to attend to and Bruce was busy working on some other side project for Fury.

Entering the quinjet, Steve gave a small rundown of the mission. You had already read the folder beforehand, but a refresher was nice.

"Infiltrate the base, take out the targets, head back to the quinjet. Simple, do you got it?" He asked you.

"Yeah Cap, don't worry. I got it," you grinned, crossing your arms.

"Don't get too cocky, kid," Tony chuckled.

"Me? Cocky? Whaaaaaat?" you joked, earning laughs from Steve, Nat, and Tony.

After a short ride, you reached the location. It was an old, run-down building with red brick walls covered in graffiti. The concrete was moist due to the rain from the night before, your boots sloshing in the puddles.

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