Ur Quinton Griggs little sister you live at sway and your currently dating ryland storms but something happens between you to then this boy moves to sway...
Nessa: what is it? U: I have one of rylands old hoodie Nessa: u know what I'm thinking U: oh yeah You guys race upstairs and grab rylands old hoodie then y'all go back downstairs and grab paint and glitter and a lighter You guys put the hoodie on the counter and cover it in paint and glitter then walks in josh and Quinton Josh: wtf are y'all doing? Nessa: this is rylands old hoodie U: yep and we're gonna burn it Quinton: oooo yay I wanna see this Nessa: ok done U: wait we're forgetting something Josh: yeah it's missing something U: oh i know U go to the fridge and grab Tamatos, avacado, and egg put it in a blender Quinton: what are u doing that's gross U: this is his least favorite food so we're gonna put it in his hoodie Nessa: smart Josh: oooo yeah that's good U: dump the mixture on rylands hoodie U: OMG THAT FUCKING STINKS *gags* Nessa: ok but we gotta get it outside Josh: not it taking it outside U: not it Nessa: not it Quinton: really guys 😑 u: sorry q Quinton grabs the hoodie and puts it outside U: ty q Quinton: you-r wel- *gags* come U guys laugh Then u grab the lighter and drop it on the hoodie U take a pic for insta
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y/ngriggs: oops i forgot to give u ur hoodie @rylandstorms also thx for the help @qgriggs @joshrichards @nessabarrett Comments ⬇️ Nessabarrett: #FUCKTYLANDSTORMS Swayla: dammmmm Rylandstorms: FUCK YOU HONESTLY ^^qgtiggs: DONT FUCKIN TALK TO MY SIS LIKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!! ^^y/ngriggs: aren't u the one that cheated? JoshRichards: #FUCKRYLANDSTORMS Y/n.fan: dam ryland i thought you loved y/n fuck u ryland Y/n.stan_foreva: go to hell rylands!!!